Taking Ownership Of Your Life

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The Goal Achievement Podcast, hosted by Matt East, is all about helping you find clarity, design a plan, and most importantly achieve your goals.

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Taking ownership of Your life

Podcast Transcription

Hey, guys, it's Matt. 

On today's episode, we're going to talk about taking ownership of the things in your life. It's going to be amazing. The recording is from my Patreon page to learn more about my Patreon page and to support me and to get one of these audio recordings every single morning, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday when they are released. 

Go to Patreon type in Matt East as the creator and boom, you're all set at seven dollars and nine ninety-nine cents a month. What a frickin good deal is that, it's incredible, and that's it. Let's do it, let's get into the episode, let's talk about taking ownership of your life, let's do it. 

The big question we all face every morning is this: How can we focus more time on the project's activities and relationships that are most important and meaningful to us and less time on the stuff that doesn't matter so we can actually move closer to our goals and dreams? 

That is the question. And this podcast is the answer. My name is Matt East and welcome to the Goal Achievement podcast. I'm so glad you're here, now let's dig in. 

Hey, guys, first off, thank you so much for supporting my Patreons page. It's my intention to challenge you, motivate and inspire you each day, and to help you achieve your goals and dreams. Remember, as a patron supporter, you can comment on my Patreon page, and if you want me to cover a specific topic, just let me know on there, and I will 100 percent, no doubt about it, record something on the topic you want to hear about. As a reminder, I record and distribute this content every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. 

So let's dig in, it's Tuesday, let's do it. 

So first off, did you make yesterday a great day after listening to your audio clip for yesterday? Did you plan for how you were going to spend your time and energy? Did you... were you intentional and were you thoughtful about the information that you allowed into your brain? Did you protect your mind from gossip, news, and other B.S.? I hope you did. 

Did you make the decision before the day began to just make it a great day? Did you just make that decision as I had challenge you to do? I hope so. I had an absolutely wonderful day yesterday. And, you know, there was there was zero luck involved with it. I decided to make it a great day, I determined it was going to be a great day, and then I made it a great day, I moved through it with a great attitude. 

And if you had a great day yesterday, do you think it was luck, do you think that was luck or was it the result of deciding it was going to be a great day and then making it happen and backing that up with a great attitude and backing it up with a plan of attack and treating your body well? 

You know, I run into multiple obstacles every day and I ran into multiple obstacles yesterday, I had challenges yesterday, I faced rejection yesterday. But when a challenge arises, you know, I face it and I move on. And when you face something difficult, it doesn't mean your day has to turn to crap, you deal with it and you deal with it head on, you learn from it and you keep moving on through your day, it doesn't ruin your day. 

You continue to make it a great day, you continue to have a great attitude, you continue to execute on the plan that you had laid out for yourself. 

And this is so important because if you're doing stuff at a level that's going to make a massive impact on your life, I can promise you you're 100 percent going to increase the challenges and obstacles that you face every day. If you're out there doing stuff, you're going to run into issues, you're going to run into challenges, you're going to run into haters even, you know, it's a sign you're doing something correctly. 

Grant Cardone, someone whose mindset I admire greatly, says stuff does not happen to you, it's happening because of you. That's so good. Listen to that:. 

"Stuff does not happen to you, it's happening because of you". 

That's the secret sauce right there, that is the secret to a great life when you start taking complete ownership of absolutely everything in your life, good and bad and just realize it's all a result of you and your actions and your situation right now, your life, your day to day activities that you do, your income level, your mindset, everything in your life it's because of you

Stuff doesn't happen to you, it's happening because of you. Stuff does not happen to you, it's happening because of you. That's literally the best news I can deliver because it means that you are in charge of your life, it means you're in control, if something's not where it needs to be in your life, you have the control to change it. Stuff does not happen to you, it's happening because of you. 

So I want to challenge you today to think through this. Are there areas of your life that need to change? Where are there things in your life where you can take greater ownership? Are you willing to do that? Are you willing to take greater ownership? Are you willing to realize that everything in your life is happening because of you and not to you? Are you... are you... are you able to accept that? Are you willing to dig in and make the proper adjustments each day to own the outcomes that you're creating? 

I hope you have the guts to do that, it'll be transformational. 

Your success from this moment forward in your life is 100 percent and it's always been, but moving forward, it's 100 percent directly tied to the level of ownership you're willing to take in in the work and the relationships and your health and fitness. Everything, everything in your life is a result of you, it's not happening to you, it's happening because of you. 

And, you know, you're not a victim. You are creating the results in your life, and that's great news, it means you can control it means you can have an impact, you can... you can influence it to a huge degree, it's 100 percent up to you. 

So as we head into today, let's make it another great day, and let's head into it understanding this message this most it's... this incredible news that being... being responsible and taking ownership and creating the results in your life is what we want... That's what we want to focus on today. 

Determine right now that you're going to make today a great day. 

You're going to move through it with a remarkable attitude, you're going to own the results you're creating in your life, you're going to own the results that you create this next hour of your life and in the next five hours of your life and over the course of today and over the course of this week, you are the one that is creating your life and creating those outcomes and creating your day, creating your weeks, creating your months. 

You understand that, that the greatest thing ever is that you are in control of the outcomes that you're creating, that is unbelievable and a shift in mindset, if you can get there, no B.S. today. Make a plan, execute on the plan when challenges arise, recognize them as a signal... a signal you're on the right path and deal with them. 

You're going to have challenges, you're going to run into obstacles, expect it It's coming, baby. You know that it's coming, deal with them and move on, understand they're a signal of you're doing something right. They are not an excuse to shut down and slow your progress. 

So let's go guys, make it a great day. Treat your body well, move your body, be intentional with the energy you're projecting, be aware of that energy or project and protect your mindset and own the results that you create today. 

Let's do it, make it a wonderful day. 

Hey guys, it's Matt again. Hope you love that episode and I hope it was helpful, hope it was insightful, hope it inspired you, hope it motivated you. 

And if you want more content like that, go to Patreon patreon.com type in Matt East, and... Or go to your show notes and... I'm working on my website. 

You can do about anything and you can find a way to subscribe and get an audio clip just like that every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. 

Can you imagine waking up to that every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and that's it. 

I hope you guys like that, and if you need anything, email me. 

Touch base. 

Mostly a lot of you guys are clients, just reach out, whatever. 

You guys just get a hold of me...If you need something, just get a hold of me, you know... You know where to find me. 

That's it bye. 


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