How To Finish STRONG!

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Finishing Strong

Podcast Transcription

Hey, guys, it's Matt. 

Hope you're all doing really well on today's episode, we're going to talk about finishing strong. We're going to talk about finishing your day, your week, your project's strong. How do you become a strong finisher? We're going to dove into that. 

Let's get right into it, here we go. 

The big question we all face every morning is this: How can we focus more time on the project's activities and relationships that are most important and meaningful to us and less time on the stuff that doesn't matter so we can actually move closer to our goals and dreams? 

That is the question. And this podcast is the answer. My name is Matt East and welcome to the Goal Achievement podcast. I'm so glad you're here, now let's dig in. 

Hey, guys, it's Matt again. So on the last episode, I released the episode earlier this week and I mentioned that I am now doing Patreon so you can receive a... a, I don't know how long, it is a brief message from me each day, an audio message each day delivered to your inbox Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday each week. 

And those messages are just meant to be inspirational, motivational, just help you overall, just transform your productivity and just your life in general. I think that they're… the messages are awesome, the subscribers so far have really offered incredible feedback and it's been really positive, people are loving it. 

So I wanted to share another one of those, so I talked about ending your week strong, ending your day strong, ending your project strong, becoming a strong finisher in a recent episode. And I wanted to share that here with you today. 

So here we go, this is a recent post on Patreon. You can subscribe and receive messages just like this every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and it's only seven ninety seven dollars and ninety nine cents a month. It's an incredible deal, and I would encourage you, I'd love to I'd love if you would support that and become a patron of these audio clips. So that's it, if you guys need anything, let me know let's get right into the episode. 

Here we go. 

Hey, gang, it's Matt. First off, thank you so much for your support of my patreon page, it's my intention to challenge, motivate and inspire you each day to help you achieve your goals and dreams, if there's something you need, let me know. Remember, as a supporter, you can comment on my page, and I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback. 

Also, you can let me know if you want to hear about a specific topic, I would love to hear what you guys want to hear about. I will record something on the topic that you suggest 100 percent no doubt about it, and as you guys know I'm recording and distributing this content every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so you should always receive post on those days. And it's Thursday, so it's my last post of the week, let's do it, let's dig in. 

So we started the week by taking a deep dive into the power of your mindset. Have you... have you been intentional since we talked about that, about creating a positive mindset for yourself each day? Have you intentionally made the decision to make it a great day? Have you just decided you're going to have a great attitude, you're going to have the best attitude in the room? I hope so...I... that would make a massive difference in anyone's life. 

We next talked about the power of recurring revenue and the path to making 100k a month, I hope that got you dreaming a little bit. We then talked about owning the results of your life, I shared what Grant Cardone shared with me, and that is stuff does not happen to you, it happens because of you, and I absolutely love that. 

Then yesterday, our episode focused on reframing rejection, and I hope that got you thinking too I love that... that's been so powerful for me. It's literally been like life changing for me,  completely transformational for me. I know... I know you guys... oh, I should say first. So today's episode, I want to talk about finishing strong. I'm talking about really, really finishing strong, being a great finisher. 

And I know you guys have had a great week because I've only promoted this to my coaching clients and my mastermind members so far. So I know everyone that's a member, I know we communicate literally every day pretty much. So it feels like you guys are implementing and thinking through these topics and not only increasing your ownership of your life and in the amount of action that you're willing to take to make it great. But you're also dreaming a little bit, you know, the revenue topic and the reframe your objection there both to kind of, I don't know, flip your mindset around a little bit. 

So I want these episodes to challenge your conventional thinking, and I hope that's happening so so that you're able to create a greater vision for what you want to achieve with with your life and with your time. 

So in my experience, I see people typically way overestimate what they can accomplish in, say, an 8 to 12 hour period with like a single day? People are super aspirational around that, which is interesting because the same people way underestimate what they can accomplish over the course of time with persistent action and with executing at their highest level, with a clear plan day after day after day. 

You know, you just you typically see a person just overestimate what they can do on a day to day basis and way, underestimate what they can do over the course of time, it happens time and time again. And I want you guys to be aware of that I want you to realize that you can have massive goals and massive dreams out in front of you, but that demands you execute day to day. 

And one way you do that is by having a crystal clear, doable plan for your day every single day. And if you're going to execute at your highest level every single day, it's absolutely critical that you finish the projects and you finish your day and you finish your week strong, you have to be a strong finisher, it's 100 percent necessary that you become a great finisher. If you want to take the next take the next step, if you want to take your life to the next level, you have to become a great finisher, there's no other way. 

So how do you do that? How do you become a great finisher? How do you become a strong finisher? Anyone can start something enthusiastically, everyone starts out with optimism and energy. Why would you even start something if you weren't excited about it? I mean, that's doesn't even make sense. 

So, of course, if you're going to start something, you're starting a big project, you're going to start out, they're going to be enthusiastic and you're going to be optimistic about it. So, you know, everybody is an optimistic starter, but how many strong finishers do you know those are rare. So you've got unlimited optimistic starters and you've got this select few of really strong finishers so... 

So how do we finish strong? 

Let's think about this from a project standpoint. So how do you finish a project strong? So first you have to know where the finish line is at guys, you have to know what signals that the project is done. How do you know it's done? You have to know exactly where you're trying to get to. 

So I'd like would challenge you a little bit, do you know exactly where you're at, where the finish line is for the projects that you're working on? And next, you need to know what still needs to be completed in order to achieve your... your goal, to achieve your project. What still has to get done in order for this to be finished? What do I need to do? 

So you don't know where you're going and you got to know what you got to do to get there. 

You have to have clarity about exactly how far you have left to go. The latest science, and... and studies on this, it's from the University of Chicago, psychologists have really been digging into this and it shows that focusing on what is remaining, so what still has to be done in order to accomplish your goal is the most important thing to finishing strong from like a scientific perspective. 

They call this to go thinking versus reflecting on how far you've already come, which is today thinking. So instead of thinking about how far you've come, the research says...this really surprised me by the way, the research says you're supposed to focus on...on to go thinking, so thinking about what still has to be accomplished to finish the project, that's much more important than reflecting on what has already been accomplished. 

So to reiterate that, to go thinking is how much do you still have to go to complete the project? You have to know that, that's the most important piece of data for you to really become a really strong finisher. 

So as far as your projects go, I want to challenge you to really get clear about what still has to be accomplished in order to finish the project strong as far as finishing your week, strong, you know, finishing your day strong. 

Let's talk about finishing your week strong, I want to challenge you to wrap up this week, the week that we're in executing at a higher level than you started it. I want you to finish this week strong, that is rare, most people do not do that, they come out of the gate firing, they got their week wrapping up. I want you to finish strong, this is critical to your success. 

The level of success that you achieve in your life from this point forward is going to be largely dependent on you having the ability to finish the projects you start, ship your work, and then do it over and over again.

Does that make sense? 

In order for your work to matter in the marketplace, you've got to understand this, you have to finish it and ship it no amateur B.S. You can't... You can't start projects and stop all the time, you can't get halfway done and stop, you can't get three fourths of the way down and stop, you have to you have to finish it up, you have to establish your targets, understand what needs to be accomplished in order to finish and finish strong, it's... you have to execute, you have to finish stuff, you have to ship stuff. 

You know, there's just no excuses not to finish your day, not to finish your week, not to finish your project strong. 

It's time to transform yourself into a great finisher. 

It's... It's about as easy as it is to decide you're going to have a great day, just decide you're a great finisher from this point forward and start finishing your stuff. If you start something, finish the damn thing, wrap it up, close the deal, launch the book, launch the course, finish your daily priorities and targets that you set for yourself each day despite not feeling like it. 

The marketplace guys, I'm telling you, listen to me real fast. The marketplace, the people that pay you money, they don't care if you're tired or anything else, they care that the stuff you're promising gets to their gets to them. The marketplace cares if you finish strong, they care that you're creating stuff and you're shipping stuff. So you have to... 

The marketplace cares that you finish and you're able to share your work so that they can consume it. 

And, you know, they just see it as very black and white, the marketplace is great. The marketplace sees stuff as black and white, there is no gray area. If your work is not finished and in the public's hands or accessible to the public, it's not complete, even if it's 99.9 percent done if it's launched, if it's not launched I'm sorry. 

If it's not launched, that's the same as it never being launched in the customer standpoint. The customer doesn't care that it's that close to done in the customer's eyes nothing matters except the products and services you offer being launched or not like it doesn't matter to them if it's zero percent done or 99 percent done. 

Think about your perception of receiving this recording for me. You know, if I message you and I said... or you message me, it's the same. You message me saying Matt where's my recording? And I say, Oh, it's all done. You're like, well, I don't care where is it? Like, I want to hear, like, if I've recorded it and it's all done, but I haven't published it yet. If Imma publish my work, you know, it doesn't matter to you, you want it launched, it needs to be 100 percent done for you to have access to it, you want to hear it, you paid for it, you want to hear... it does no good to have it, 99.9 percent done, you want to have it. 

You want to have the finished product. 

You need it to be 100 percent done, 99 percent done creates absolutely zero value for you. You know, me being zero percent, 25 percent, 50 percent or 99.9 percent done. Those are all the same to you, you don't care, you need it 100 percent done, you need me to finish strong, you need me to finish the product. 

You don't even care if it's hard for me to make if it's easy for me to make, it doesn't matter you and it shouldn't. By the way, who cares? I'm the one that sold it to you, you... All you care about is if it's done or not, and that's the exact same way your customers feel. They, you know, and the marketplace feels you must finish strong, you must demand it from yourself. 

You have to start changing your mindset around finishing being optional each day or it being optional that you hit your targets each week and or that, you know, there's just unlimited time and you got to go for launch stuff. 

So I just want to challenge you finish today strong, finish this week strong, finish the project that you're focusing on strong. 

And that's it, guys I hope that was helpful. Be a great finisher, it's absolutely time, go make it a great day. Have clarity heading into your day, but also have clarity about where the finish line is on these projects, and... and that's going to help you a ton. 

That's it guys, thank you so much for being a subscriber. I really appreciate it, it means the world to me, and go out there, finish strong, go get them. And if there's something I can do to help you along the way, let me know. 

Hey guys, it's Matt again. Hope you love that episode and I hope it was helpful, hope it was insightful, hope it inspired you, hope it motivated you. 

And if you want more content like that, go to Patreon type in Matt East, and... Or go to your show notes and... I'm working on my website. 

You can do about anything and you can find a way to subscribe and get an audio clip just like that every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. 

Can you imagine waking up to that every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and that's it. 

I hope you guys like that, and if you need anything, email me. 

Touch base. 

Mostly a lot of you guys are clients, just reach out, whatever. 

You guys just get a hold of me...If you need something, just get a hold of me, you know... You know where to find me. 

That's it bye. 


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