Adjusting Your Mindset To Embrace Rejection

Adjusting Your Mindset To Embrace Rejection
Matt East
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Why You Need To Embrace More Rejection

Podcast Transcription

Hey, guys, it's Matt. 

Hope you're all doing really well, on today's episode we're going to talk about how increasing the level of rejection you face each day in your life can have a transformational impact for you

And this is another recording I did on Patreon, if you want a recording like this every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday morning, delivered right in your inbox so that you can be motivated and inspired and crush your stuff, then subscribe. It's only seven dollars and ninety-nine cents a month, it's awesome, it's a no-brainer. Go to Patreon, it's p a t r... What is how do you spell Patreon... P a t r e o n Patreon and search for Matt East and you're good to find me, just go to... if you want to find my website, you can also find it through there, just go to Matt East and productivity or something on Google will pop right up, or just Google Matt East so it will pop right up. 

OK, that's it boom! Go subscribe to Patreon if you want some more of this action. 

Here we go. 

The big question we all face every morning is this: How can we focus more time on the project's activities and relationships that are most important and meaningful to us and less time on the stuff that doesn't matter so we can actually move closer to our goals and dreams? 

That is the question, and this podcast is the answer. My name is Matt East and welcome to the Goal Achievement podcast. I'm so glad you're here, now let's dig in. 

All right, guys, first off, thank you so much for the support of my patreon page. It's my intention to challenge you, to inspire you, and just to help you achieve your goals and dreams. And if there is something that I can help you with, let me know. Remember, as a supporter, you can comment on my patreon page, and I would love to hear your thoughts and your feedback. 

Also, if you want me to cover a specific topic, just let me know. I will record something on the topic you suggest 100 percent, just let me know what you want. Let me know what you're looking for and we'll get that done. 

Also, I am recording and distributing content every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so you should always receive a post on those days, and since today's Wednesday, let's get right into it. 

So on Monday’s post, we talked about your ability to determine your mindset heading into the day. I challenge you to make a plan for your day before it begins because I really want you to be intentional with how you are spending your time and energy each day, and we do not we do not want to meander through the day, we want to spend it proactively, we want to spend it with intention, we don't want to spend it reacting to other people's agenda all day long. 

So I want you to bring your own agenda into the day. 

We talked about eliminating negative sources of information and content from your... from your mind. I challenged you to remove gossip, news, and other negative content from your life, and I discussed just the power of taking care of your body, drinking plenty of water, eating healthy foods, moving, and exercising. 

And so... That was day One did you adopt that? Did you adopt that mindset? Have you determined for yourself that today is going to be a great day as you're heading into the day? We also talked for a long time about the path and the math to getting to 100k of monthly income. Did you dream about that a little bit? I hope so. 

And then on Tuesday, we talked about taking ownership. So taking ownership of the results that you are creating in your life over... over the last twenty-four hours, have you identified the areas that you can take a greater level of ownership... on ownership in? Can you...can you up your game in a particular area? Can you improve? 

You know, I'm constantly trying to improve and iterate and one area where I have historically been really weak and I've had to work hard to improve and be intentional about it is how I respond to rejection. So I've spent a lot of time and energy on reframing this and... and how I view it, how I view rejection in… in… in general. 

So when I was coming out of college, I didn't want to be rejected, man I was scared of rejection. I think that's pretty normal, I think most people are that way, but I was definitely that way. But through some experiences and by studying high performers, I've been you know, I've just learned I've learned that rejection is part of the process to doing something that you really want to achieve your goals to yeah, just living a better life, living a more fulfilling life, living a more successful life. 

So, so much so that now, you know, I view rejection undoubtedly as a signal to success. I want to be rejected, I am looking for rejection more often. So with what I do, my income level is a hundred percent correlated with the amount of rejection in my life. The more I'm being rejected, the higher my income goes, and I'll explain that in a second. But I want to get rejected, I need... I need to get rejected more each day, I need it. 

And I believe the same is true for you. And I'm going to make a case for that. And I'll definitely explain it in greater detail. But first, let's just think through some of the master, some of the... some of the classic stories we've heard about rejection and some of the... the real masters of our time. 

So Michael Jordan, you know, MJ was cut from his high school team. How crazy is that? It's just insane to me. But the dude could easily like threw in the towel, he didn't man... he stepped up. 

Steve Jobs was fired, I mean the dude was fired by Apple. Of course, he was eventually brought back, but Steve Jobs was fired, it's crazy. 

Jeff Bezos, Jeff, really struggled with seeding, with getting seed money for Amazon, like big time, nobody was a significant, like funder in the early days... mistake to those people, you know, he had to really, I've heard, I've listened to it quite a bit, but he had to gain money like 25K at a time, 50K at time. He never had like a initially like a huge, huge investor. 

J.K. Rowling, she was rejected numerous times by publishers. I mean, that's famous. All these are... are very well-known, but they're all forms of rejection man. MJ was rejected by his coach, by his team in some way. Steve Jobs was rejected by I assume that's the board of directors. Jeff Bezos was rejected by investors and he was rejected by a lot of investors, gave them nothing. And J.K. Rowling was invested by a potential publisher. 

So I mentioned that earlier I believe your rate of success will be directly correlated to the amount of rejection you're willing to face, and let me give you some personal examples of that just so we can try to make sense of it. So I was a part of a software startup that sold to Fortune 100 companies, Fortune 100 Fortune... I shouldn't say 100... Fortune 500, a little bit of fortune like 1000. And the first... 

The first role I had in that company was to generate new business, we needed customers, we needed revenue. And in order to do that, it was my role in the company to try to make some of that happen. So I had to make cold calls you know, we were an unknown company, I had to go out and try to generate data, generate that interest, and we did that through... through cold calls. 

And I had to call into these massive companies and find a decision-maker and try to convince them to jump in and join me on a demo later in the week so that we could sell more software so that we could make some money so that we could stay in business. And I was good at this, but you have to keep in mind, like 85 percent of the time I was leaving a voicemail, you know some of the other times people just wouldn't commit. So I'd get them on the call and I couldn't get them to commit to the demo. 

Other times people would just hang up on me, I mean if you've ever made cold calls, people hang up. Sometimes the gatekeeper at these large companies just wouldn't... wouldn't let you through, go try to call into Proctor and Gamble and see what happens, but what I realized very quickly was that regardless of all that rejection for about every 50 dials I made, I would set a demo, which was the goal. 

So I just started to realize that the math like always worked out. I mean, it was just remarkable, if I made the calls, I was able to set a demo, if I made the 50 dials, I would get a demo. Just the math became very, very easy to back into. So you can see I needed to fail 49 times in order to find that success, I needed to fail like, I had to go out and... and find 49 rejections in order to get to that one success. 

If I wanted to set a demo, you know, I just had to dial the phone 50 times, it was basically as simple as that. And if I wanted to set four demos, I needed to make 200 calls, you know, and I could back in the math that way. And the math just always played out, but I needed to be rejected, I needed the 49 rejections to get to the one success and... and the math virtually always worked out. I almost never made 50 calls where I didn't end up getting someone into a demo. 

Let me give you another example like in my current life. 

So my primary website averages about 50, maybe a little more than that, but about 50 natural site visitors a day. So like Google just sends me 50 visitors basically, and then I get 50 paid visitors from various sources, google, and other avenues. So that's about a hundred total, and out of those hundred, five or six of those will join my email list. So five or six that's really common percentage, it's not great, it's not terrible, five or six join my email list today, one of those will buy something from me. So out of those hundred people every single day, one of those people buy something from me, they give me their credit card, they become a customer,  we exchange some goods. 

And... and of course, I want to increase my conversion rate, I'm constantly trying to improve my conversion rate. I work really hard at that, and... and... but what I really need, what I really need to move the needle is I need to fail more, you know, does that makes sense? I need more visitors than the hundred. If you think about it, if for every hundred visitors, six of those are, you know, doing something I want... say, you know, join in my email list or becoming a customer, you know, my quickest way to success is more traffic is getting way, more traffic. 

I mean, more visitors to my site, I mean more rejection. If I had a thousand visitors a day to my site and kept the same conversion, which I would, you know, 94 percent of those people, 940 would be rejecting my offer. But if six of those were converting, you know, that's 6 percent of those were converting that be 60 people a day, that adds up. I mean it's... that's amazing, but I need that, I need that...I need that rejection. 

You see, I need to be rejected more often, I need rejection. There are 7 billion people on the earth, if I could get rejected by 6.9 Billion people, man, I would be so wealthy, like, be crazy. My business would be crazy-successful if I can get 6.9 Billion people to reject me because the math works out, the math absolutely works out, makes sense. 

Does that make sense I should ask, does that make sense? It sounds crazy, but... but I need to multiply my rate of rejection to succeed at a higher level. I want to be rejected more, I need to be rejected more. And same thing for your business, I can almost guarantee you that if you increase your rate of rejection, your level of success is going to skyrocket it's going to go up not down. 

And that's just the opposite that most people think you... this mindset really like reframed everything for me. Not only did I... I'm... I'm kind of a people pleaser, I like to make people happy, I want to deliver for people. So even when I'm looking at website numbers, it's discouraging when I see, like, somebody lands on my site and then bounces right away, that's not good. 

So... so I had to really reframe that, I now view that as a rejection and I had to reframe what that looks like and just really figure out in my mindset. Man, this is actually it's all good, it's just like the good old days making...making cold calls and the higher rate of rejection than I can... that I can experience every day, the more success that I'm going to be able to experience. 

So just means, you know, facing that rejection each day just means, you know, you're taking chances, you're getting out of your comfort zone, you're doing stuff, you know, and if you think I'm crazy, think about this. So think about... think about someone... If you're like Matt you are freaking nuts, which would be totally reasonable. 

But if you believe I'm crazy, think about this, think about someone who wakes up in the morning and watches TV all day long, zero rejection man, they just woke up, they watched TV, life is whatever it is good I guess for them, they're watching TV, they're not doing anything. So they definitely weren't rejected, they faced zero rejection, zero rejection. So was that a successful day if you faced zero rejection without a successful day? Of course not, that's not a great day. 

You know, so we know that experiencing zero rejection does not equal success. You know that. I mean, you just by that example, you know that. 

So I just want to challenge you to reframe how you think about rejection and consider the level of rejection you're willing to face. Are you willing to up your rejection game for the...for the long game? You know, for the...for the greater good? I can guarantee you, if you multiply the amount of rejection you're facing each day, it will coordinate with greater success for you. 

So I just want to reiterate, don't fear rejection, embrace it, seek it. 

It's really a sign that you're on the correct path, man. People doing stuff have problems, they have challenges. If you're facing challenges and you're facing problems, it means you're on the right path man, 100 percent, you want problems. 

You want problems. 

You know, I guarantee you, those people we mentioned earlier, MJ and J.K. Rowling and...and Bezos, like you think Jeff Bezos doesn't have problems. I mean, come on. So if you're doing stuff, you're going to have problems and you want problems, don't...don't be afraid of problems and may have to reframe how you think about them, but you don't want a life free of problems. 

That is not the goal. 

So also, you know, this mindset of... of being more open-minded to criticism and... and rejection, goes way beyond business. Think about it with relationship, so that's it, I got to get moving...this was well, it's 15 minutes insane and I just get down on these and I can't stop. 

So that's it guys, go multiply your love of rejection, I promise it'll help. I... I wish... I wish somebody told me this like 20 years ago, I'd been so helpful like I've been... it would have been just massively helpful. 

So anyway, go, go, go multiply your rejection and your level of rejection and I guarantee you will multiply your level of success and that's it, and Patreon listeners, let me know what you think of this post, I hope you love it, and that's it. 

Go, go embrace rejection. 

You need it in your life, you need problems, you need challenges. Go run and do some stuff, go... go make a ruckus, go make it happen and make it a great day. 

Hey guys, it's Matt again. Hope you love that episode and I hope it was helpful, hope it was insightful, hope it inspired you, hope it motivated you. 

And if you want more content like that, go to Patreon type in Matt East, and... Or go to your show notes and... I'm working on my website. 

You can do about anything and you can find a way to subscribe and get an audio clip just like that every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. 

Can you imagine waking up to that every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and that's it. 

I hope you guys like that, and if you need anything, email me. 

Touch base. 

Mostly a lot of you guys are clients, just reach out, whatever. 

You guys just get a hold of me...If you need something, just get a hold of me, you know... You know where to find me. 

That's it bye.


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