Morning Motivation - 4/22/2021
The Goal Achievement Podcast, hosted by Matt East, is all about helping you find clarity, design a plan, and most importantly achieve your goals.
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Morning Motivation - 4/22/2021
Podcast Transcription
Hey, guys, it's Matt. Hope you're all doing really well. This is going to be another episode where I feature one of my Patreon recordings.
This is from yesterday. I'm recording these every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. And you can receive them in your inbox. So when you wake up in the morning, they're just sitting right there and you don't have to listen to all of this introduction stuff like you do on the podcast. It just gets right into the content to motivate you and inspire you to have a great day. If you guys have any questions about my Patreon stuff, you can reach out to me.
You know where my website is at…
And let me know if you're looking to find clarity. You want to design a plan for your day. You're looking to do big things with the rest of your year and you want to achieve your goals. These recordings are perfect for you. They're meant for you and they're only I think it's seven dollars and ninety-nine cents for a month.
So you get every single recording Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I schedule them to go out kind of in like the middle of the night, my time. So when you wake up, pretty much no matter where you're at in the world, it should be sitting in your inbox. It gets a little challenging for people and for listeners in Australia and kind of over there. But for the most part, if you are in the U.S. or in Europe, man, they're just sitting right there for you, ready to rock and roll so that you can just start your day with the mindset that you need to have an amazing day and so that you're ready to accomplish more.
You are in a mindset that you can reclaim your time and move through your day with intention and focus so that you could be laser-focused throughout the day and not just meandering through the day. It will help you to stop feeling so overwhelmed and you can really start to make some significant progress on your goals. So if you want to spend more time each day on what's most important and meaningful to you, this is a great, great way to do that at a very low price point to get you primed for the day. So I wanna encourage you to go pull the trigger and sign up for this. It's That is p a t r e o n ...
Spike buddy, you what?. Oh, he wants you guys to subscribe. Oh, yeah, they're going to subscribe, buddy. Buddy. Oh, well, they're going to subscribe. I'm telling them right now. Yeah. He wants you guys to subscribe. They're going to...relax. He kind of makes this with me every morning. So he's a little pissed that you guys haven't subscribed more of you haven't subscribed. So that's it. Subscribe Spike wants you to subscribe, I want you to subscribe. And here's the recording from Thursday.
The big question we all face every morning is this: How can we focus more time on the project's activities and relationships that are most important and meaningful to us and less time on the stuff that doesn't matter so we can actually move closer to our goals and dreams?
That is the question, And this podcast is the answer. My name is Matt East and welcome to the Goal Achievement podcast, I'm so glad you're here.
Now let's dig in.
Gang, it's Matt, I hope you're all doing really well, thanks again for subscribing as a patreon. I really appreciate it. It's my intention to help you achieve your goals and your dreams with this content. As you know, new audio is being released every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. And today is Thursday. So Thursday, April 22nd. 2021, it's day number 112 of the year. So we've got 253 days remaining we're thirty point four one percent into the year with sixty-nine point five nine percent remaining.
So are you ready to rock? Are you clear on what you want to accomplish with your time today? Do you have clarity? Are you intentional about what you want to achieve? Are you ready to move closer to your goals today? Just wanna encourage you.
Take the time to design a plan for you, day... For... For your day. Let's get crystal clear on your priorities and crystal clear about what you are going to accomplish with your time today. What do you want to have completed when you reflect back on your day this evening? When you think back to your day, are you going to be proud of what you accomplished? And if so, what is it that you want to ensure that you get done? Let's make a plan. Let's block some time to do so. Do those things and let's really knock it out.
No excuses.
I want you to really own your results for the attitude and the energy that you're bringing into your day-to-day. We're on the back half of the week here. There's probably loose ends that you need to tie up from the previous couple of days. And there's probably some things that you really want to accomplish before the weekend. So let's get crystal clear on what those things are and let's really be the aggressor here and let's make stuff happen. So that's it. Really short episode today. This is how I intend these to be.
So just a reminder that the next twenty-four hours, you know, you're not going to get back. So make a plan and let's make the most out of it. You've got eight days left in this month. Eight days, man, that's crazy. Eight days left in this month.
Make a plan and make the most out of it.
We have sixty-nine days left in Q2. Let's make the most of that. And you have 253 days left this year. Lots of time for you guys to still execute and to achieve your goals for the year and to hit your targets. But we have to make a plan and we have to execute. Do not meander through your day-to-day. Let's figure it out. Let's be aggressive with them, make it a plan. And... And let's be really proactive about the energy that you bring with you throughout the day, the energy that you... in a rooms... with the energy that you bring to your work. So let's be positive. Let's... Let's really make today count. We're not going to get today back to you cannot emphasize that enough. I mean, let's capitalize on... On your time today. If you need anything, please let me know. I'm happy to help any way that I can. And you guys know where to hunt me down.
So let's do it.
Big day wrapping up the week, this is my last recording for this week, so let's really in strong, let's make it a great week or a great end of your week. And if you need anything let me know, that's it bye.
Hey, guys, it's Matt again, hope you'll love that episode and I hope it was helpful, hope it was insightful, hope it inspired you, hope it motivated you.
And if you want more content like that, go to Patreon, type in Matt East and or go to your show notes and look it on my website. You can do about anything and you can find a way to subscribe and get an audio clip just like that every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Can you imagine waking up to that every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and that's it.
I hope you guys liked that, And if you need anything, email me
Touch base. Mostly a lot of you guys are clients.
Just reach out, whatever.
You guys just get a hold of me. If you need something, just get a hold of me, you know…You know where to find me.