How to Create Motivation For Yourself
The Goal Achievement Podcast, hosted by Matt East, is all about helping you find clarity, design a plan, and most importantly achieve your goals.
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How to Create Motivation For Yourself
Podcast Transcription
Hey guys, it's Matt.
On today's episode, we're going to talk about how to create motivation for yourself.
So instead of waiting around for motivation to strike, how could you create motivation proactively for yourself?
This is another Patreon episode, which I'm releasing every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday morning. So if you want to subscribe to get this proactively, this content proactively, you can do that at Just search my name Matt East and you will find it and that is 7 dollars and 99 cents a month, and it's amazing.
I highly recommend going there to, to check it out. I have also unlocked a couple episodes there too for free so you can go and listen to exactly what they sound like. So that's it guys, hope you love this episode. If you have anything, if you have any questions or need anything, just let me know, all right, here we go.
The big question we all face every morning is this: How can we focus more time on the projects, activities, and relationships that are most important and meaningful to us and less time on the stuff that doesn't matter so we can actually move closer to our goals and dreams?
That is the question, and this podcast is the answer. My name is Matt East and welcome to the Goal Achievement podcast. I'm so glad you're here, now let's dig in.
First off, thank you so much for your support of my Patreon page, it's my intention to challenge, motivate and inspire you each day with this content to help you achieve your goals and dreams. I hope you're enjoying it, if you are, we need more subscribers, share it socially, share it with a friend or two that you think would enjoy it. And by the way, if you're not enjoying it, cancel your dang subscription. Don't be you know...come on.
Now, OK remember, as a supporter, you can comment on my Patreon page. I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback, I'm recording and distributing this content every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, so you should always receive new posts on those days. If you're a subscriber, they're just sent to your email inbox, which is great.
So let's dig in. If you've listened to the previous episodes, we've talked about how you need to be finding clarity each morning, so you're starting the day laser-focused. We talked about taking ownership of the results you're creating in your life, we talked about being proactive with the energy and the attitude you're approaching your day with, we talked about learning about the power of recurring revenue and how that can impact your business, and we even reframed how, how to perceive and how to look at rejection, and I hope all those topics were helpful.
Today we're going to do a dive into... I'm going to share a couple of secrets around motivation.
So what if you're doing all these things, you're taking all these steps, you've been listening, this content, you're implementing it, but you're still not quite where you want to be from a motivation standpoint. Let's chat through a couple tactics that you can use to increase that level of motivation.
So the first thing your motivation is lacking, what do you do? I would say your goals are too low, your targets are too low, if you're doing all of the above and you're still not feeling super motivated, you need to increase your targets, you need to increase your goals. So you need to be inspired about the goals that you are seeking. You hear that? That's important, man.
You need to be inspired about the goals that you are pursuing, the goals that you are seeking.
And this is something I struggled with for years. And I've really reframed in the last couple of years how I approach my goals, how I approach my kind of mindset around financially about what I want to make and stuff, here's an example that you know, and this is something I just want to give credit, this is something that Grant Cardone has taught me and is really drilled in my head and it's been super helpful.
So would you rather have a target of making 100000 dollars per month and miss by half? Or would you rather have a target, a goal of making 5000 dollars a month and just drill it every month? You know, you always make 5k, you always hit your goal of making 5k.
You know, in that situation, the person missing their target by half is still making 10 times the person that's hitting their 5k a month target, you get that? So somebody who has a target of 100K, they're missing it by half, they're still making 50 K a month. Somebody who has a target of hitting 5k a month and they are drilling that 5k month goal every month, and that's what they're, that's what they're hitting, 5k a month, that's what they're bringing in, they're still, they're still 10 times less than the person that is shy of their target by half.
So I struggled with this for a long time, I set really reasonable goals that I knew I thought I could be methodical about but achieve, and I've really transformed how I look at my financial targets, and I mean, even right now, I have really high targets for our household income and I probably need to put a multiplier behind them just for this purpose alone, just to feel super inspired each day.
So, you know, I want your targets to be a little outside of your comfort zone, and I would really challenge you to take a deeper dive.
If you're not feeling motivated, do the math on some bigger targets, get motivated and or get inspired and see if that increases your motivation, this works, man, I'm telling you, this works that doing the math on the recurring revenue, like most of you guys have side hustles or you have a business, start doing the math on, on that stuff, and that is a great way to get inspired. I have on my tape to my second monitor here, I have some math right now and, and it's big-time math and I probably need to put a multiplier on it, so that's the first one.
Set bigger, larger, more aspirational goals for yourself, that will help.
The second thing, this is my favorite frickin thing to talk about, I love this... This is the number one thing that's probably helped more of my clients than anything else, and that is realizing that your motivation is always going to be inspired by taking action, and if you drill this into your head and you adopt this for the rest of your life, it will be like having a superpower for yourself.
It's literally the best superpower you could probably have better than being like anything, it's... this is unbelievable if you realize that your motivation will come around, if you just start taking action, that is an unbelievable concept. Let's chat, chat through that so we're very clear.
Think about this from an exercise perspective: if you exercise every few days or whatever it is every other day or daily, there are going to be days where you don't feel like exercising, but if you're someone who exercises frequently, you realize you basically just have to get started, and 10 or 15 minutes into your workout, you're going to feel inspired to continue.
And you can take that exact principle and you can apply that in other aspects of your life, writing, building your business, dealing with anything, anything in your life. If you can realize that you don't need to wait around, sit around for motivation, you need to take action and that motivation is going to follow, man that is a straight-up superpower, that is like the that's the Holy Grail.
If you can figure out how to do that, and I would just, you know, really challenge you to try to implement that in your life as opposed to waiting for motivation, get started, your motivation will follow, and that is absolutely life-changing, if you can figure that out, so that's it.
The first thing was, set bigger, larger aspirational goals for yourself, stuff that gets your blood flowing a little bit. And the second was realizing that motivation is always going to be inspired through your action and not the other way around, you can't just wait around to feel motivated in order to take action.
So that's it, guys, put those two things, adopt those two tips and you're going to be, going to be in a better spot from a motivation perspective, I hope you guys are having an amazing week so far, I hope you're moving through your day with intention and focus and clarity and... excuse me, and I hope that you are just really adopting this stuff and implementing it and it's helping you out, if you need anything, please let me know they like, I'd like to help any way I can. Let's make it a great day.
Hey, guys, it's Matt again. Hope you loved that episode and I hope it was helpful, hope it was insightful, hope it inspired you, hope it motivated you.
And if you want more content like that, go to Patreon,, type in Matt East, and... Or go to your show notes and... I'm working on my website.
You can do about anything and you can find a way to subscribe and get an audio clip just like that every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Can you imagine waking up that every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and that's it.
I hope you guys like that, and if you need anything, email me.
Touch base.
Most of you guys are clients, just reach out, whatever.
You guys just get a hold of me... If you need something, just get a hold of me, you know... You know where to find me.
That's it bye.