Morning Motivation - 4/20/2021

Morning Motivation - 4/20/2021
Matt East

The Goal Achievement Podcast, hosted by Matt East, is all about helping you find clarity, design a plan, and most importantly achieve your goals.

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Morning Motivation - 4/20/2021

Podcast Transcription

Welcome, gang, it's Matt. 

I should say, welcome gentlemen, because every... every subscriber to this point, hopefully, no women subscribe between now and tomorrow morning. 

But as of right now, every subscriber is a male. So I can say, morning, gents, and I'm shocked there's no women. I have like coached a lot of women and a ton of women listen to the goal achievement podcast. But no, no women have subscribed here. 

So anyway, that was a total tangent. 

Good morning. 

I hope you're all doing really well, and thank you so much for being a subscriber. I really appreciate it. It's my intention to help you achieve your goals and your dreams with this content. 

And as you know, I'm releasing new episodes for patreons every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. And today is Tuesday, April 20th, 2021. It's day number one hundred and ten of the year. And we have two hundred and fifty-five days remaining, twenty-nine point eight six of the year complete and seventy point one four remains. 

Man, that's still a lot of time. Still a lot of time to... To accomplish what you want for this year, to achieve your goals, to move closer towards reaching your dreams, and just a lot of time to execute and to take action each day and that accumulated action can really add up. Guys, I'm telling you, think about that. 

Two hundred and fifty-five days remain, over 70 percent of the year remains. So just a remarkable opportunity for each of you left this year. Just really want to make sure we're capitalizing on it. 

As far as yesterday go, how did your Monday go? How did you... how did you do? Did you crush it? 

If you did, we want to take that momentum into today, we want to build momentum...

So much easier to… to keep the momentum going as opposed to starting from a stopped point. 

I mentioned that... Ben sent me a note saying, man, he's really had a solid week last week and he was moving right through and trying to build that, keep that momentum going, and that's so much easier. I mean, if you've ever gone on vacation, like, shutdown work for a couple of weeks and then came back and try to work, I mean, you understand what I mean? It's like... takes it three or four days, like get back up and running. But when you're, like, absolutely crushing it, it seems like it's just a lot easier to keep that momentum going. 

There's a funny saying, and if you think about this, like I know as a manager of people, like a lot of times, like if I had something that absolutely had to get done, like I very, very rarely gave it to someone who like didn't have much to do, I gave it to like the busiest person that actually accomplished a ton and if I had something that had to get done and like I couldn't do it and whatever, like if I had to hand it off, like, I... You know, I didn't really look for the person that, like, had the least to do and that we had like the most free schedule. Oftentimes I went to the person that was like the busiest and that I knew that, like, was constantly executing on stuff. Like they used the momentum of just like accomplishing a ton to just accomplish more. 

And it's funny how that works, and we want to take that same principle. If you had a great day on Monday into Tuesday and we want to take that momentum from Tuesday into Wednesday and we just want to build on it and build on it and build on it and... and that's what we want to do. 

So... So anyway, hopefully, you were able to identify what you wanted to accomplish with your time yesterday and you were able to do it, and hopefully, you were able to prioritize the tasks that actually moved your stuff forward, actually moved your projects forward. And if you did, if you were able to prioritize, did you knock them out? Did you have a great day? I hope so. 

All right. So let's think about today. What do you need to focus on in order to get closer to reaching your goals today? I want you to think through it, think through what has to get done, not just surface-level thinking... Think deep, like what do you have to move the ball on? Who do you need to reach out to? Who... You know, if somebody heard from you, would that help push something along? Is there, you know, something that might even be a seemingly small task, but it needs some of your focus and energy... Energy today. Is there something that needs some deep thought and a lot of deep thinking? 

Just take some time. Think through what needs to get accomplished today to move you closer to accomplishing your weekly targets and hopefully your annual goals. So let's take some time, get laser-focused, take some time to sit down and think about this. We want to move through the day with clarity, clarity, clarity, clarity that's going to solve so many problems around like procrastination and self-doubt and all that stuff that's a disaster for productivity. 

So I mentioned yesterday that, you know, many of you listening to this, most of you listening to this, I shouldn't say most of you, each one of you, you're working on a lot of, like creative projects. There's authors here, there's course creators, entrepreneurs, executives within this group. 

And if you recall yesterday, we talked about trusting your gut and not relying on anyone's approval in order for you to execute at your highest level possible. And we talked about not only not needing everyone's approval, but actually not needing anyone's approval in order for you to get laser-focused and for you to get dialed in on your targets and on your priorities for the day and to move closer to accomplishing your goals, you just don't need anyone's approval. 

It's great. It's wonderful. It's freeing. It's a productivity hack. 

So I want to take that step, I want to take that idea a step further today, I want you to not only continue to trust yourself and trust your gut and trust your intuition, I really want you to start trusting yourself that when you anticipate and you can kind of see ahead that there could be a challenge or an obstacle because something's complicated or it's overwhelming and it just feels like it's going to be a big deal, going to be a challenge. 

I want to challenge you to adjust your immediate reaction and make your... your immediate reaction is kind of like no big deal, I'll figure it out. Like I want you to trust yourself to figure stuff out, because I know each one of you guys really well. You guys are all like genius men. And I mean, you really are. 

So you guys... I mean, you guys are all very successful and you have a history of figuring stuff out. And I want you just to be aware of that so that you can rely on that as you are working on stuff I want you to rely on... When you think about something big, you know, I just want to challenge you to think, not overly think... About the tactics and execution right away. I want you to not think about the tactics and execution right away. I want you to think more about like, OK, this is the project. What actually has to happen now in order to knock this out and not become overwhelmed by the tactics and then that stop you from taking action and moving things forward? 

Let me give an example of this, it was somebody in the mastermind who's there, who's in the mastermind, who is also one of the patreons here. So Ben is working on his book, and if you think about it, I've... I've worked with Ben throughout this process. I'm not quite sure how long we've worked together, but it's been a... it's been a while, and he's been working on this amazing book... Really, really, it's going to be tremendous, it's going to be amazing. 

Well, if you think about it, like when Ben was already writing this book, when he came to me and he just did a fabulous job of just writing the damn book as opposed to a lot of authors, and I've worked with a lot of authors. They want to start doing like keyword research, they want to start deciding like the colors of their book cover, they want to start researching how to buy ads on Amazon or Facebook ads or whatever, as they're like writing the book. And then, you know, obviously they get overwhelmed and then they start to fill a lot of inertia and the whole book project starts to fill very weighty. 

What Ben's done an amazing job of is he really wrote a... Just a... I mean, it's a, it's going to be a chunk of material, it's not a light book like mine, it's a real, real book. And he wrote the dang thing without getting all caught up in this other stuff, even that he knew it was going to be important, he didn't just bury his head in the sand and act like that was never going to be an issue. He's working on that stuff now, he's working on the book launch now, but... when he... You know, as he was writing this book, he wasn't getting like way into the weeds on the tactics of how to categorize your book most effectively, an Amazon or something, which is what a lot of people do. 

So, you know, that's just a good example of like, you know, I don't know if he did this intentionally, but I do know, like, I would coach somebody this way, just, you know, kind of trust yourself to know that you'll be able to figure out that next step, you'll be able to figure out the how to categorize how to market, how to do the... what the best color will be on the cover, blah, blah, blah. Like you're going to be able to figure that stuff out. 

But if you try to do it all just right out the gate, if you try to think through like what every single aspect to a successful book, to writing a book and launching a book and selling a book, that's going to feel overwhelming, I'm telling you. 

So it's just great to be able to trust yourself on certain parts of it... And you say, okay, well, I'll tackle that when I get there, and I want you guys to all think about that as you're working on your projects, like what stuff can you just kind of check off in your brain, OK? You know, I know that's coming and I'm going to be able to approach them and be able to knock that out when the time comes. But I don't want to get overwhelmed in those details right now. 

Yeah, just... This is something I work on a ton, too, so I'm definitely kind of preaching to myself here, but it's something that I've gotten a lot better at, where I'm just like, OK, I'm going to work towards this, I'm going to make some progress on it, I'm going to learn along the way, I'm actually going to try to get people to pay me along the way too. A lot of you guys have seen me try to do that with these different projects. 

And so, yeah, try to figure it out along the way and just kind of trust yourself.

Trust yourself that you're going to be able to figure it out.

I just want you to really think through that a lot as you are having challenges and obstacles and those things are going to happen and you're going to have challenges, you're going to have obstacles, and I just want you to rely on yourself, I just want you to think and rely on yourself and understand that you are going to be able to figure it out if you give yourself the grace to… to do that. 

So that's it. 

I hope that was somewhat helpful. I felt like I was all over the place. 

But anyway, let's do it. Let's make it a great day. 

You know, you're not going to get the next 24 hours back, make a plan and make the most out of this time. 

We have ten days left in the month, make a plan, make the most of that time. 

You have seventy one days left in this quarter, make the most out of that, make a plan, let's do it. 

Two hundred fifty five days left in the year, That's a lot of time guys...You can, we can accomplish a lot. Let's make a plan and make the most out of it. 

If you need anything, let me know. 

And if you are thinking big about a project, try not to get sucked way into the weeds, yet. Start working on some stuff and... and trust that you can figure out some of the later stages... Stage stuff down the road and... and that's it guys. 

Hope everything's going well. If you guys need anything, let me know. 

I cannot believe this was fourteen minutes long. 

OK, bye bye.


Morning Motivation - 4/21/2021


Morning Motivation - 4/19/2021