Morning Motivation - 4/19/2021

The Goal Achievement Podcast, hosted by Matt East, is all about helping you find clarity, design a plan, and most importantly achieve your goals.

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Morning Motivation - 4/19/2021

Podcast Transcription

Morning, gang, it's Matt.

I hope you're all doing really well. 

Thanks again for subscribing as a patreon. I really appreciate it, it's my intention to help you achieve your goals and your dreams with this content. 

New audio is released to patrons every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and today's Monday, Monday, April 19th. So let's dig in... We're one hundred and nine days into 2021 and we have two hundred and fifty-six days remaining as of today. So we're about 30 percent through the year and we have just over 70 percent of the year remaining. So lots of time to still execute, guys. 

Let's take some time to think about what you want to accomplish with your time and your... and your energy this week. What do you need to focus on in order to get closer to accomplishing your goals? 

Let's really get laser-focused. 

We do not want to meet and or through the day, we want to be laser-focused. We want to move through the day with focus and intention and intentional action. And I know many of you guys are working on creative projects. Ben is working on them on a book, Sergio is working on a course, Rob's got all kinds of entrepreneurial ideas and ventures he's working on, Kurt is high up in an organization that takes a lot of creative energy, creative thought to... To lead. 

And I realize with those creative type of projects and just creative thinking all day long, a lot of self-doubt can creep in and I just want to challenge you to really trust yourself this week, you don't need everyone's approval for you to execute at your highest level throughout this week. 

Trust your gut and execute on your work. 

You know what needs to get done? Make a plan for yourself and let's execute. 

Not only do you not need everyone's approval, actually, you don't need anyone else's approval, you don't need anyone's approval for you to get laser-focused on your targets, and to accomplish your goals, you need no one's approval to do that. 

You can make a plan and you can execute it, let's do that. 

Let's make a plan for your day and let's execute it. Let's make a plan for your week and let's execute it. And let's really try to remove self-doubt through your action. Does that make sense? I want you to remove self-doubt by taking action. And along the way, I want you to be positive to yourself. 

You're going to be required at some point today or this week to create motivation for yourself, and you're going to do that by taking action. There's no other way to do it, you can either wait around and not do... do your stuff and not make progress and not move towards your goals, not move towards your dreams. Or you can draw a line in the sand and freakin just get started and let the motivation follow and just trust yourself that if you get started, the motivation will follow. 

So I really want to challenge you this week to trust yourself and not wait to feel motivated to do something, determine your priorities, start taking action on them and trust that your motivation will follow after you get started. 

Absolutely no excuses, Ben, you have a freakin book to launch, you are doing so good, man, I'm so proud of you. But this week is one of the most important weeks of your life as it pertains to your work, your writing, your legacy. So let's really get dialed in, let's approach each hour with intention and focus and... and really lean in, I know you're working your butt off, I know you've been crushing it for a while now. But it is time, it is time to continue. There's no letting up at this point where you've got a little work, you got a little work sprint you've been in and we've got to wrap that puppy up. So keep going, man, you're doing great. 

Sergio... Dude, you're crushing it right now. Here's a challenge, though. I want you to spend zero time thinking about what anyone else thinks of your work, I want you to spend zero time even asking people what they think, I want you to get this course launch. 

Trust yourself you know what's good and what's not. 

Trust yourself and think about this, here's a challenge for you. You know how hard it is to create a course like you're doing, like building the material out and just having the guts to share it with the world. And, you know, that's hard, it's hard to do, it's hard to launch creative work. But excuse me, you know what else is hard? It's actually way harder to not create your course and not launch this course because it feels so weighty, like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, like you should be doing something and you're not. 

I know you know that feeling. 

We've never talked about this, but I can guarantee, you know, that feeling, especially because I know this is something you wanted to do for a long time and you've even done parts of it, but you've never launched it, there is so much weight on that like it feels like, you know, it's weighing you down. 

And... And so I just want to challenge you, you know, and... And I want to challenge you to think through that, like, yeah, this is a lot of work, but you know what else is a lot of work not doing it and feeling that every day. 

So, yeah, this is hard and it's difficult and it's going to be a challenge and you're going to continue to run into a challenge. But it's not any harder than not doing it, you know, I mean, I hope that resonates with you. It's certainly that's something that I've thought about a lot, is that you know, yes, some of the stuff I do is hard, but what's even harder is not doing it and just thinking about it like that feels real, it just weighs on me if I'm thinking about stuff and I'm not taking action on it, and I'm sure you're the same way, so I know it's hard, I know you're working hard, I know you're grinding and I know it's a challenge... but so is not doing it. 

Not doing it's hard not doing it feels like crap not doing it, you know, fills yourself with self-doubt. Not doing it makes you feel bad at the end of the day, not doing it doesn't make you feel like you're succeeding. Not doing it doesn't set a good example for your daughter and your wife. 

So you got to do it, man. 

So keep at it. You're doing frickin awesome, too. I'm really proud of you, you're doing amazing. 

Rob, I know you're working on a lot of things right now. I want to encourage you to take some time to think through your day and move through your day with a lot of clarity and purpose. Let's not wing it, let's find your focus, let's find your clarity, and let's execute. No doubt about it, no hesitation, let's rock and roll. 

Kurt, let's make it a great week, let's find some time to take care of yourself, take care of your body. I know you're just grinding right now at work, I know you're just you've been swamped this year, this has been a crazy year for you. But I want to challenge you to find some sake or time for yourself, set it aside, and... And do some activities that you enjoy, do some activities that are healthy for you, do some activities that will make you feel like, you know, you're... You're moving forward to like you deserve to have some sacred time and to treat yourself well and to do some things that you enjoy. And I just challenge you to find the time to do that, make some time to exercise and to eat healthy foods and to drink plenty of water and all that good stuff. So just a challenge for you there. 

That's it, guys. 

Let's make it a great day. No excuses. 

Let's take care of business, we have a job to do. 

You... you know what? You will not get this time back, the twelve hours of your life, the next twelve hours that's about to occur from the moment you stop listening to this, you will not get that time back. 

So make a plan and execute to get the most out of it. 

And you won't get this week back, make a plan and make the... Make a plan and make the most out of it. You've got eleven days left this month, make a plan and make the most of that. 

We have, what, 72 days left in Q2 make a plan and make the most out of the quarter that remains. 

We have 256 days left in this year, make a plan and make the most out of it. 

So let's go make a plan, make the decision that it's going to be a great day today, enter the day with a plan, and let's execute absolutely no excuses. You guys have a job to do and let's make it a great day. 

Let me know if you need anything bye.


Morning Motivation - 4/20/2021


How To Not Take Today For Granted