The Benefits of a Productivity Coach and Why You Might Need One

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It’s safe to say we’re looking forward to a new year in a way we never have before. This year has been difficult in a lot of new ways. For many, it even became harder to prioritize our goals. We learned to deal with a new reality we still haven’t fully adjusted to. And if you’re looking for a fresh start, you should consider making a shift that could make a big impact for you.

Hire a productivity coach

Accepting you need help in the area of goal-setting and productivity is nothing to be ashamed of. Think of it as the first step to bettering your life and achieving your goals. 

What are the benefits of hiring a productivity coach? The personal transformation created by working with a productivity coach can be life-changing, but let’s get more specific.

You’ll find focus and clarity

The most important thing a productivity coach can help you with is creating focus and clarity about what you want to achieve with your time and energy each day. 

A productivity coach can help ensure you begin each day with clear priorities. As you know, priorities are simply areas of your life that are important and meaningful to you. Priorities are typically projects you're focusing on at work or home, activities you want to do, or relationships you want to nurture. 

By determining your priorities each day and beginning your day with focus and clarity you reduce procrastination and position yourself for success.

Boost your confidence and maintain control

Confidence leads to productivity. When you’re confident, you feel capable of tackling anything.

Mindset is everything when it comes to building confidence. Visualizing yourself in a positive manner, you're increasing your chances of succeeding.

When your confidence increases, you feel more in control of your success. Your goals and projects become more attainable. You find more time to do the things you want.

Here are five ways you can start boosting your confidence today:

  1. Think positive.

  2. Remove negative thoughts.

  3. Plan and prepare.

  4. Set small and achievable goals.

  5. Focus on solutions.

As your confidence grows, so will your ability to execute each day on what you choose.  With a positive mindset, your confidence and control will help you succeed. A productivity coach can help bring you to that next level.

Achieve your goals and have more freedom

You have goals. Everyone has goals. But achieving those goals is challenging. You know what you want to do, but don’t have the time to do it.

When you work with a productivity coach, their mission is to help you achieve those goals. Accomplishing goals is an instant confidence booster. 

Managing your time is the number one thing you have to learn in order to achieve your goals. A productivity coach teaches you how to manage your time better.

Be proactive and less reactive

If you’ve felt unmotivated these past few months, you’re not alone. This pandemic brought out the proactive person within us or the reactive person.

What’s the difference?

Those who became proactive used this time to pick up a new skill. Learn a new hobby. They organized. They set out to accomplish goals. They did whatever they could to keep a positive mindset.

Those who became reactive used this time to rest and recharge. But this R&R lasted longer than planned. Now they’re finding it difficult to switch back into a proactive mindset.

A productivity coach can help you focus on what needs to get done and help you create habits and rituals you’ll use every morning to approach the day proactively.

Daily habits and consistent rituals are key to accomplishing your goals

You might know these as the morning, afternoon, or evening routines. People who do the same morning routine everyday use it to set themselves up for success. Productivity coaches teach you how to create habits that work for you and your life.

Everyone has different habits or rituals. Some of us need that giant cup of coffee to get going. Others need a ten-minute meditation. A productivity coach helps you create the habits you want. 

Hiring a productivity coach is your gift to yourself. If you want to create more clarity in your life, increase your confidence, and achieve your goals, productivity coaches are a great resource.

Now is the time to unleash your full potential

Let this year be the year you learn to tackle those obstacles that have built up over the past year.

Learn more about how productivity coaching can transform your productivity here.

Begin your transformation with a complimentary copy of my book and audiobook.


How to Get Motivated (and instantly beat procrastination)


Why you need to know your top-3 priorities each day