Achieve Your Goals | Matt East & co.

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10 Tips For Achieving Your Goals

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10 Tips For Achieving Your Goals Matt East

The Goal Achievement Podcast, hosted by Matt East, is all about helping you find clarity, design a plan, and most importantly achieve your goals.

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10 Tips For Achieving Your Goals

Podcast Transcription

Hey, guys, it's Matt. I hope you're all doing really well. 

On this episode, we're going to talk about 10 tips to achieve your goals and this is actually a recording from my final episode of the Better Humans podcast, I know a lot of you listening to that show in this show, and this is actually the last episode of that show. So without further ado, let's dig right in. 

The big question we all face every morning is this: How can we focus more time on the projects, activities, and relationships that are most important and meaningful to us and less time on the stuff that doesn't matter so we can actually move closer to our goals and dreams? 

That is the question, and this podcast is the answer. My name is Matt East and welcome to the Goal Achievement podcast. I'm so glad you're here, now let's dig in. 

Hey, guys, it's Matt I hope you're all doing really well. So this is a bittersweet episode, this is going to be the last episode of the Better Humans podcast that I record, so I just want to start off by saying thank you so much to you guys. If you've been, if you've been an audience member of this podcast, I just want to say thanks so much. I have met so many of you, this audience is just amazing, it's full of incredible people. So thank you, thank you, thank you. 

If you've been a listener and if you've been one of those loyal listeners, I can see the downloads of how frequently it's being listened to and we had a nice chunk of very loyal listeners. So this has just been a fantastic experience for me, so I just want to say thank you so much to you guys, the listeners, and then also thank you to Tony. 

So Tony Stubblebine, this was his idea, this podcast was his idea, and he encouraged me to kind of start it with him and it's just been an amazing run. And I just want to thank Tony so much for his vision and getting it started and I'm sure he and I will collaborate on something down the road. But I know Tony has something up his sleeve for the better humans community out there so stay tuned on that. But thank you so much, to the audience, thank you so much to Tony, I can't wait to work on something else with you, this has been so much fun. 

I met so many incredible people doing this show and I've remained in touch with a lot of them. So Chris Sauers coached me through writing my book. Larry Cornett just had me on his podcast and I begged him to start a podcast after he was a guest on this show so that kind of came full circle. Laura Silverstein is a member of my mastermind so I have a mastermind of about 65 people and she is flat-out incredible and I met her through this podcast by having her on, she was an author of a Better Humans article, and then she came on here. 

So this has been awesome getting to know people, I interviewed Buster Benson, who's a great author, David Allen, who is like, you know, the king of time management and productivity and he had an absolutely fabulous episode on here, I'm so grateful that I was able to connect with him, Miral was another guest on here who's a popular author, an incredible person. 

So it's just been incredible, we... we popped in and out of the top 100 in the genres that we focused on Apple podcast, that was amazing, just absolutely amazing. What an incredible experience, I'm so thankful and grateful for it and so hopefully, hopefully, we get to stay in touch. 

So as most of you know, I still do my first podcast, which is the Goal Achievement podcast and, and so you can search Matt East or Goal Achievement podcast, and that should pop right up if you want to keep listening to... to one of my shows and I've got, I've got a, I think I've got another show up my sleeve too, so I might have something coming. 

But I wanted to leave you guys with just ten ideas and I just want to leave you with ten thoughts I just jotted down some notes of I was like, what can I leave the audience with? I don't want to just come on here and say it's the last episode I want to provide as much value as possible. So I'm just going to riff I just have this kind of jotted down and I'm going to just chat through them. 

So I've got ten, ten ideas that I want to leave you with and here we go for the final episode. 

So number one: Just remember, guys... 

If you're struggling to take action on something, remember that motivation almost always follows your action. 

And that's backwards is from what most people think and this is like the number one thing I wish I would've known when I was like 20 years old, that motivation follows action, not the other way around. 

So think about it, If you're about to go work out like you don't feel like working out, but if you somehow, like, fight through it and actually start working out like 15 minutes into your workout, it's like the greatest thing ever, you're motivated to continue and your body feels great and you only got to that spot because you started like you took action. So your motivation only came after you started working out for 15 minutes. 

And it's like that in almost everything you're going to do in life so I just want to kind of give you that, I don't know, I wish... I wish I knew that man, I wish I knew that 20 years ago or whenever I don't know when I learned that but, man. 

So motivation follows action, get started and let the motivation, your motivation to continue and your motivation follow taking that action and that is, man, that is like the seeker right there. 

So second thing: Set weekly and monthly targets and set daily priorities to achieve those targets man. 

Don't meander through your life, don't... don't meander and just hope for things to, that you're going to like fall backwards into achieving your goals, set weekly targets, set monthly targets and set daily priorities that are going to help you achieve those targets, and I should say set annual goals, too, but definitely set targets and actually hit those targets by taking five or ten minutes every day and setting your daily priorities, there's no other way to do it. 

Your life is going to get so much easier if you know where you're going and you have clarity about where you're heading, being intentional about where you're heading is going to make your life so much easier. Stop meandering through your day, set your targets, determine your daily priorities, and man, that will help so much, so I would encourage you to do that. 

Third thing: Finish everything strong, finish stuff. 

Remember, if something that you work on, that there's just so many creatives in this audience so I want to share this. If something that you're working on like you're writing something that you want to post online, you're creating a podcast or you're building a business or whatever, if you get to 99.99 Percent done and you don't launch it, that doesn't help anyone, it literally helps no one. 

It's... You should have just never even started finishing and launching your stuff matters, finishing and launching your stuff matters. So I just want to encourage you finish strong, wrap the damn project up, wrap the podcast up, wrap the business, I shouldn't say wrap it up, launch the business. You know, take your stuff into the market and let the market decide, and I would just really encourage that. 

Don't be someone that gets 60 percent done and then quits or 80 percent done and then quit or 99.99 percent done and then doesn't launch something. So I would encourage you, man, launch stuff, build stuff launch stuff, finish strong and... and, you know, establish what the finish line looks like for you before you get there so you know what, when you've hit that finish line and when you can launch stuff, so... so that's the third thing. 

Fourth thing: oh, here's a big one, man. I wish I wish I had this mindset when I was younger. 

Run into problems, realize that problems are good, problems are an indicator of success. 

If all you did was wake up every day and go sit on the couch like you'd have no problems, like if you had unlimited money and you just sat on the couch all day, no problems, you're not running in any problems but that's also not a great life. Like you're not out doing stuff and making stuff happen and creating and doing magical things. 

Like if you're doing stuff, you're going to run into problems and just realize that those problems are usually an indicator of progress, not an indicator of problems, so keep that in mind, problems are almost always good. If, if you don't have any problems, you're probably not making enough progress. 

So just kind of shift your mind around problems if you're able to do that, the next problem you have, think, man, did I... Is this a problem because I'm out there doing stuff and... and I'm making stuff happen, if it is man that's a good problem to have, and I would just encourage you to... to recognize that. 

OK, next thing: Don't be afraid to increase your rate of rejection. 

Your rate of rejection is going to largely dictate your rate of success. If you think about this, there are so many writers on better humans, I mean, the amount of stories of writers being rejected before they were accepted or published or, you know, there's just tons of those examples. But think about it in your life, how could you actually increase your rate of rejection and increase your success rate? 

So if right now you're submitting, you know, one article a week, what will happen, if you submitted three articles a week and you got rejected on two of those every week, I mean, you're able to, if you're able to get comfortable with that rejection and being rejected in life, if you're able to pick up the phone and make phone calls and be willing to be rejected on a sales call man and your success can just skyrocket if you don't get paralyzed by failure and I mean, picking up the phone is kind of an old reference. 

But just think even, you know, DMing someone to do a collaboration or something like that like you're gonna get rejected and it's fine if you can 10 times your amount of rejection, I guarantee your success rate goes way, way, way, way up. 

So I would encourage you to just think through that and reframe how you're looking at rejection. Could that rejection really propel you to incredible success? OK. 

Number six: Set big targets that get you excited. 

I wish I would have known this. I wish I would have done this and again, I always set stuff that I always basically knew I was going to hit so it would be like super reasonable, the problem with doing that is that unless a target is big, unless a goal is big, you can lose motivation quickly. And I have just found like way more success as I've set much larger targets for myself, I may fall short of them, but at least I'm excited about them along the way and I'm excited to hit them. 

And I would just encourage you to set big targets for yourself, set big goals for yourself, think big and excuse me, and yeah, don't set tiny little goals, set some big targets for yourself, and then go out there and hit them. 

Ok, number seven: Plan backward from your goals and know your number. 

So if you're trying to hit something, let's say you're trying to do a, you know, a financial goal where you're trying to hit a number of a certain, like, income or something, know your goals. If you're trying to make 120k a year or whatever, know what you got to do, you got to make 10k a month to make that happen and know your numbers back into how you're going to get there. 

Totally, there's a lot of stuff online about this, but know your numbers, know what has to happen for you to make that, to make that larger goal happen back into it, it's not it's not a mystery, and if it's a mystery, it's going to be hard to hit that goal, so back into your numbers. 

If you're a writer and you get paid, you know, a thousand bucks for every piece that you produce and you want to make 100K, I mean, you can figure it out. I mean, you got to write 100 things and if you get rejected on half your things, you've got to write 200 things, I shouldn't say things, 200 articles, so know your numbers and then back into them and that's going to help you out so much. 

I think about my numbers and back into my numbers all the time. The most successful people, the highest achievers, highest achievers, they know what they want to do, they know their numbers, they know what they got it back into, they know what they have to hear each day to reach their goals. 

OK, number eight: Be clear on what you want. 

Don't be meandering through your day, decide what you want to do and knock it out, decide what you want in life, knock it out, decide what you want to achieve this month, knock it out, decide what needs to get accomplished this week, knock it out. 

And man, life gets so much easier with clarity and with intention, move through your day with clarity and intention and I almost can guarantee that life gets easier, not harder. All right only two more left. 

Number nine: Stop making excuses. 

No excuses, take ownership. No doubt about it the most successful people and the highest achieving people, they take ownership for the results they're creating, they take ownership for their life, they take ownership for their relationships, then I would just encourage you to do the same. 

No excuses, there's no reason to make any excuses. If something happened, you know, it happened because of you, it didn't happen to you, and definitely own that mindset. OK. 

Number ten: Anticipate immediate challenges and adjust reactions accordingly. 

Yeah, figure out if there's going to if you're headed into something and you know, there's going to be some challenges, specific challenge, like, you know it in your gut, trust your gut, trust your instincts, trust yourself and make the just adjustments that you need you know, if you... 

If you're going to start something and, and you're going to start going to the gym or something, you know, that's going to be a challenge, make the proper adjustments to make that easier on yourself. Like if you're let's that's a good example if you're going to try to get up in the gym every morning to head to the gym, man... pack your bag for the gym the night before so that when the morning comes, you can hop out of bed and grab your bag and it's not as daunting. 

So think through little hacks like that that you can do, that's something, you know, that's stuff that's straight stolen from atomic habits and... And make, make your... make your life easier by setting yourself up for success with stuff like that, pack that bag before the gym. OK. 

Bonus, this is the last one, and then I'm out of here guys, you're going to frickin die, you're going to turn into dust, and I just want to leave you with this. 

Take some chances, have some fun, do the things that you're thinking about doing. 

Like do them like, stop thinking about doing them, take some action, you know, figure out what has to get done and do it, and there's no magic involved, man you got to do it, you got to take action, you've got to you got to move through your day, you've got to get clarity, you have to have intention, you have to take action. 

And there's no you know, there's just nothing magical about it and I, that's what I want to leave you with. There's nothing magical whatever you want to achieve, man, I guarantee you can achieve it, I mean, if you think about it, if you just don't quit, you're going to achieve it. Now, are you willing to stick with it long enough not to quit? 

I mean, almost everything in your life is that way, if you want to write a book, why can't you write a book? Sit down and write a book, the only thing that's going to stop you from writing a book is if you quit, and if you stop and you don't write the book anything else, you're going to have challenges, you're gonna have struggles. You can go a week without writing, you can go a month without writing, you can go a day without writing, the only thing that's going to stop you from writing a book is if you quit if you completely quit. 

So I just encourage you to hang in there, do your stuff, take action, don't quit, and you can do just about anything you want in your life. So that's it, man that was just burned through some stuff that was a straight off the cuff right there, so that's it. 

Let's stay in touch, you guys can reach me, I'm at my Web site, one of my websites, my main Web site is my name, it's Matt M a t t - and then E a s t like the direction .com 

I have a mastermind, it's incredible, it's only 29 bucks a month and it is absolutely fantastic. There are... Are there multiple authors in there? Definitely, Laura is in there? I don't know, there's definitely a kind of a crew from the Better Humans podcast in there. So get there and if you want to transform your productivity, if you want to accomplish your goals, I would encourage you to join me and I would love to have you in there. 

I do a... You can try that for seven days for free, by the way, just go to and you'll see a... you'll see all kinds of stuff, but one up in the corner, one of the menu items is mastermind, click that, you'll be all set. 

All right, that's it, you guys are incredible. Thank you so much for your support of the show. And thanks again to Tony Stubblebine he's amazing and I hope to collaborating again and again and soon with you, man and if you guys ever need anything, don't hesitate to reach out I'm happy to help any way I can and that's it, guys that's a wrap. 

Hey, guys, it's Matt again. Hope you liked that episode and real quick, I'm still offering my mastermind and group coaching and one on one coaching it's a little combo, it's amazing, for 29 dollars and 99 cents. And there are 66 other members in that coaching community, and you should join us because it's amazing and if you're if you've worked with me in the past, you should come back and we should do something. 

So you don't have that, like, summer lull where you don't do anything for, like June, July, and August, we are doing a summer push and that mastermind group. And if you want to get some stuff done this summer and you want some accountability, you want some help and you want to have a summer where you don't waste your time and you take advantage of, of the opportunity of right now, let's do it. So summer push, June, July, and August, and it's going to be amazing. 

I'm going to be writing a book for my summer push and I can't wait. 

Next thing for only 5 dollars a month, you can become a patreon if you want to get Monday morning motivation recordings, it's amazing, and those are certainly like come together. So if you're a patreon and you want me to, I'm able to like specifically call you out a little bit in that episode based on what you're looking to achieve and all that good stuff. 

So only the latest one is not available, so you can actually listen to all past recordings if you want to check it out. It's Patreon, so it's Patreon then just search for Matt East or go to my website, and down at the bottom, you can find me on Patreon I believe, that's it, those are the two big things. 

So if you need anything, let me know. If you're looking for a little Monday morning motivation, sign up on Patreon. If you are interested in coaching, let's do it, let's do it. Let's do some amazing stuff this summer and do that thing you've been thinking about doing. 

All right, that's it. Hope you guys are all doing great, and if you need anything, let me know bye.