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How To Not Take Today For Granted

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How To Not Take Today For Granted Matt East

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The Goal Achievement Podcast, hosted by Matt East, is all about helping you find clarity, design a plan, and most importantly achieve your goals.

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How To Not Take Your Today For Granted

Podcast Transcription

Hey, guys, wassup! 

What's up, what's up, what's up? 

Hope you're all doing really well. 

On today's episode, we're going to talk about not taking today for granted. 

Love it. 

This is a patreon recording from last week, I think you guys know what those are by now. You should go subscribe and stop being a hater and frickin sign up so that you can receive recordings like this every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in your inbox. I promise you, it will make you more productive, guaranteed. And if not, man, I'll refund your money. 

So that's it, go subscribe to Patreon if you're enjoying this content and that's it, here we go. 

How to not take your day for granted. 

The big question we all face every morning is this: How can we focus more time on the project's activities and relationships that are most important and meaningful to us and less time on the stuff that doesn't matter so we can actually move closer to our goals and dreams, that is the question, and this podcast is the answer. 

My name is Matt and welcome to the Goal Achievement podcast, I'm so glad you're here, now let's dig in. 

First off, thank you so much for your support of my Patreon page, it's my intention to challenge, motivate and inspire you each day to help you achieve your goals and dreams. Remember, as a supporter, you can comment on my patreon page, and I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas and any feedback you have. 

I'm recording and distributing this content every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. So you should always receive a new post on those days, and it's Monday, so let's dig in. 

If you remember last week, I challenged you to approach your morning and each day with a great attitude. And I want to challenge you to continue with that mindset into this week. Can you again determine before your day begins that today is going to be a great day? And I also want to challenge you to determine that before the week begins, before this week begins, determine this is going to be a great week. 

And I know what you're thinking. You're like, Matt, we did this last week... We did it last week. But we're trying to reprogram, like the default brain, your brain mindset, the default mindset. You're going to... I mean, you're typically going to be in like a negative or a neutral state. And we are trying to proactively turn that into a positive mindset every single day, and that takes time. 

I've been doing this for years and I still have to think through it every morning. I'm literally I'll be in, you know, brushing my teeth, I'm thinking through: Matt, today is going to be a great day. Let's make today a great day. I have to actually think through that every single day, and I've been doing this stuff for years. 

So I just want to challenge you to do the same thing, take some time today and reflect and think through it and think through how you're going to make today a great day, think through that you're going to proactively make it a great day and just be aware of that. 

Make today a great day. 

Just kind of think through that, repeat it to yourself, and... And take some time to do that, just think I'm going to make today a great day, I'm going to make today a great day, I know that sounds corny, but man, that works. 

I also want to challenge you today to not take today and this week for granted. I want to challenge you to capitalize on the opportunity that you have today and that you have this week. You have the opportunity to push your business forward, push your projects forward, grow key relationships in your life. You have the opportunity to exit today and to exit this week healthier than you entered it. 

So ain't that amazing... An amazing mindset to be in, you have the opportunity to exit today and to exit this week healthier than you enter it, it's amazing. 

So how do you do that? How do you… How do you move forward? How do you grow your business, grow your relationships, improve your health before the day and before the weekends? 

And I've got amazing news for you, it's not rocket science. 

Sit down, make a decision about what's getting your focus today and this week and what you're going to execute on, and it's as simple as thinking through those things. 

What needs to happen this week to drive your... your business and your projects forward? What has to happen this week? What do you need to accomplish? What do you need to accomplish this week to drive some key relationships forward? What has to happen? What can you do to drive those relationships forward? What needs to happen this week to drive your health forward? What can you do this week? What can you do today to drive your health forward so that you leave this week? You exit this week healthier than you started it? 

I'm telling you, that's the easiest way, it's not rocket science. Get laser-focus happen to your day, proactively happen to these things versus being reactive throughout the day or just meandering throughout the day. 

Let's get laser-focused, you know, and if you're listening to this and you have... You have the opportunity today to decide, I'm going to get laser-focused. This is what I'm going to work... Work on, this one I'm going to execute on, and I'm going to do this stuff at the highest level possible, and I'm going to move these areas of my life for today. 

And I'm telling you guys, you know, I'm begging you to not take today for granted and to execute. Knock your stuff out, take care of your business, take care of your relationships, take care of your health, because man... 

Regret is the worst…

Don't freakin get to the end of the day and be pissed that you didn't take advantage of your time. Don't get to the end of this week and be pissed that you didn't execute on your stuff when there's it's as simple as getting clear on sitting down, getting started, and taking action. 

That's it. 

It's... it's way, way, way, way easier than we make it, man. 

Sit down, get focused, get laser-focused, and... And start executing start taking... taking a step towards... Move... We all had one of those weeks where we regret it, where you're like man what the hell did I do this week. 

We've all been there man. 

I've been there a million times, it's literally... Literally, what like got me on this, on this I don't know path to being a fanatic about prioritization and being clear and having like laser focus heading into the day. Because I've been... I literally get more done and, you know, a week now than I used to and... and a quarter. 

So that's it, laser-focus. 

Don't regret it and don't regret... Don't have regrets at the end of this week. Move your stuff forward, what has to happen today to move and to drive your projects and your business forward, what has to happen today to drive some key relationships forward, make those touches, do those things. What has to happen to drive your help for today? 

Do it! What... Maybe it's scheduling a doctor's appointment, maybe it's taking a walk, maybe it's taking a run, maybe it's lifting some weights... I don't know... I don't know. 

You got to figure that out. 

Get clear, sit down, get clear, execute. 

Let's go, make it a great day. 

Don't regret not executing today, execute... execute your butt off this week. 

And that's it guys with chat tomorrow, bye. 

Hey guys, it's Matt again. Hope you love that episode and I hope it was helpful, hope it was insightful, hope it inspired you, hope it motivated you. 

And if you want more content like that, go to Patreon type in Matt East, and... Or go to your show notes and... I'm working on my website. 

You can do about anything and you can find a way to subscribe and get an audio clip just like that every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. 

Can you imagine waking up to that every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and that's it. 

I hope you guys like that, and if you need anything, email me

Touch base. 

Mostly a lot of you guys are clients, just reach out, whatever. 

You guys just get a hold of me...If you need something, just get a hold of me, you know... You know where to find me. 

That's it bye.