The Power Of Changing Your Mind
The Goal Achievement Podcast, hosted by Matt East, is all about helping you find clarity, design a plan, and most importantly achieve your goals.
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The Power Of Changing Your Mind
Podcast Transcription
Hey, guys, it's Matt.
Hope you're all doing really well, hope you had a great weekend.
On today's episode, we're going to talk about the power of changing your mind, it's going to be incredible.
This is another episode that is from a patreon recording. So each Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, I'm releasing a little like morning motivation. And you can get that delivered in your inbox, so in your email inbox each morning before you wake up and then you can be intentional and be focused and be motivated and be inspired to crush it throughout your day.
So it's just a great way to start. A great way to begin your day. Great way to quickly try to find some clarity and find some momentum and, you know, get your mindset in the right place before digging in on your work. So to subscribe, go to and type in Matt East or just go to the show notes here and click on that link, you'll be all set.
If you have any questions about that, let me know. And that's it, let's go, let's get into this episode. If you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to reach out.
That's it, bye.
The big question we all face every morning is this: How can we focus more time on the project's activities and relationships that are most important and meaningful to us and less time on the stuff that doesn't matter so we can actually move closer to our goals and dreams?
That is the question, and this podcast is the answer. My name is Matt East and welcome to the Goal Achievement podcast, I'm so glad you're here, now let's dig in.
Hey guys, welcome in it's Matt.
First off, thank you so much for your support of my patreon page. I really appreciate it, it's my intention to challenge, motivate and inspire you each day to help you achieve your goals and dreams. Remember, as a supporter, you can comment on my page, and I would love to hear your thoughts and any ideas you have. I'm releasing new content every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. So you should always receive a new post on those days.
So since it's Wednesday, let's dig in, so it's April 14th, 2021 as I release this. We're a hundred and four days into the year, we've got two hundred and sixty-one days remaining. This is week number fifteen or twenty-eight point two two percent through the year, which means we have seventy-one point seven eight percent of the year remaining as of today.
I'm going to read those stats more frequently on this podcast because I find those powerful. It's really helpful to know where you stand in the year, in the month. And I... I referenced that frequently and I've... I've always done that, and I feel like it really helps me. It's just very powerful to know, OK, we're 28 percent through the year. We've got a little over 71 percent to go. Here's where we're at, you know, just really helpful to take stock and... And where you're at and what... What we have left and I know a lot of you guys have really great, big, tremendous goals that you're trying to reach and you're working on big projects are launching big projects. You're launching very aspirational stuff. And it's good to know where you stand. So I'm going to start keeping you in the loop on that, I'm going to add that as a daily feature.
So here we go.
Let's go.
And I should say, let's really, really... I'm reading those off because I want you to capitalize on the time that remains, not make you feel bad about how far we are through the year, although that's a good thing to know.
But I really want you to capitalize on the time that remains.
You know exactly what needs to be done in order to accomplish your goals for the year and in order to do that, you know, this... Review your goals every day and back into your targets for what needs to be accomplished for this month, for this week, for today, and then take some time to prioritize and block time to complete what needs to be accomplished today in order to hit your goals for the year.
And... And you know this as well as anyone. But that's going to help you move through your day with... With laser-focus and... And the proper intention, and that's going to help you. That's going to get you to achieve your goals better than anything else, and there's no doubt about it. It is having that intention, knowing where you're going, and being clear about what you want to accomplish and what you want to achieve each day.
So, all right, let's get into it.
So I've been thinking a lot about some of the traits of people I really admire. And I've realized one of those things is that people who I admire are very adaptable to change and have the ability to change their mind.
They aren't stuck in their thinking, they are constantly evolving.
And they're looking, you know, they're just looking out... Out of the windshield versus out of the back window, they are always looking forward. They're looking to, I don't know, just evolve into... They're not stuck in their ways, they have the ability to change their mind about stuff.
And I just want to challenge you today to think through a concept or an idea that is holding you back, but it would be beneficial for you if you just changed your mind and changed your perspective on it. And, you know, it can literally happen like that, like you can just change your mind about something, you can change your mind about a long-held belief and it can be extremely beneficial.
So I just want to challenge you to do some critical thinking about some of your long-held beliefs that may not be accurate and see if... See if it's a challenge for you to question yourself if it makes sense to change your mind about it, let me give you a couple examples so it makes sense, and so that you have a better feel for what I'm talking about.
I have two examples here. First example is I thought, you know, growing up, my parents watch the news like they watch the news. They woke up that watching the news, the news was on in the evening, it was like a thing to do, I guess. So I grew up with the belief paying attention to the news is helpful because it keeps you informed and that's what responsible people do.
I've totally changed my mind on that, I think the news is toxic largely. And, you know, very driven towards middle-class mindset and very negative in a lot of ways, and in no way do you get done watching a full news episode and ever think that you want to go out and crush it in the world and do something remarkable.
I just changed my mind like 15 years ago. I'm just not watching the news anymore and I've never felt like I was out of the loop, I talk to friends all the time, I ask them, hey is there anything going on I should know about? I get their perspective on, you know, presidential candidates on other stuff, I feel as informed as ever, and I watch and consume virtually zero news. And I just...
That's just that was a belief that was wrong, I felt like I needed to be watching the news to stay informed completely, completely wrong. I didn't I don't need that, it wasn't serving me in any well... in any way. So I had to challenge my conventional thinking and I had to change my mind.
Ok, I'm no longer watching the news, it's done. But that's been an amazing thing, by the way.
And the number two, another example, this is a much more recent example. And that is that problems should be avoided in your life and that problems are a bad thing, and this is something that Grant Cardone really talks about and I learned from, but problems man, problems are not... should not be avoided.
A lot of times problems are great, problems can be tremendous. And... and, you know, seldom is a problem, an indicator that you're doing something bad or wrong. A lot of times problems are opportunities and they're showing that, they're showing you that there's growth happening and there's good stuff happening.
No doubt about it... 100 percent, 100 percent.
An example was let me give you an example. So like in my head. Here's just a reframing in my head, you know, I do the mastermind, a few of you guys are mastermind members. You know, what's the right size for a mastermind, is that five people, is it 10 people, is it 90 people, is it 900 people, is it 9000 people like I don't know the answer to that, but...
I, in continuing to grow this mastermind, a few people have mentioned to me, like a lot of people mentioned to me, like well, when will you stop? How big can it get? Blah, blah, blah. And I don't know, I don't know the answer to that. That's a problem that I want to go discover. I want to discover the problem of, OK, this thing's getting too big. I need either one, stop advertise... stop advertising for it, or I need to, you know, break it off and have two groups or whatever.
That's a problem I want to face, I want there to be too many mastermind members. I want to have that problem, I need that problem in my life. I want there to be so many members that I don't know what to do with. I want to be onboarding enough customers each day that it's creating problems for me.
I, I don't want there to be you know, it's easy to onboard one person a day or, you know, or three a week or something. I want to be bringing on enough people that it's creating problems for me, it's like creating problems for the group. Like I want other members to be like, man there's too many there. What's going on here? Like, it's almost too much like I need that problem. That's a good problem to have.
What's a bad problem is having three people in your mastermind and it's the same three people saying the same three things and... and nobody's growing and evolving. And those new members bring in fresh blood and fresh ideas and, you know, challenge concepts, and it's great.
So that's an example where, like in my mind, I would have maybe not have even started like a mastermind, say, five years ago, because my mind, when I've been I would have been like, well, how big should it be? You know, just a lot of stuff, just a lot of self-limiting beliefs. And I've really changed my mind on that, it's like I want those problems. I would love to have too many people in the mastermind and I have to figure out what's going on.
That's it.
That's... that's a couple examples, so I just want to challenge you. You know, I had to change my mind about those things in order to live a better life, is there a concept or a belief that you have had for a long time that you need to change your mind on that would drive some transformational change for you?
Is there just something in your life that you can flip the switch on and like, OK, I used to think problems were a bad thing. I'm now embracing them, I want some problems or... You know, I've watched the news. I realize it doesn't serve me at all. I basically makes... it's toxic, it makes me feel like crap, I'm going... I'm done watching it.
Is there something like that? I mean, I'm definitely not suggesting you embrace my two ideas. I'm saying you go out, figure out what you hold close and... and challenge yourself on rethinking it and thinking if... if you would be better served if you thought a different way if you can change your mind about it. And I would challenge you if you're willing to... to change your mind, boom, just do it.
It doesn't have to be a year-long process, it doesn't have to be a decade-long process. You can just change your mind overnight and I would recommend you do that.
So take some time to think through what needs to what do you do to change your mind about how... how would that... how would changing your mind drive forward on something? Think business-wise, think hope-wise, think project-wise, what is a limiting belief that you need to just destroy and it just be done? I'd recommend you do that. It can be absolutely transformational for you.
That's it, guys.
I hope you... I hope you take some time and do this exercise and think through it there. I guarantee you there's something in your life that you can change your mind about. I'm trying to change my mind about stuff all the time, I'm working on stuff right now, I'm trying to change my mind on and I would encourage you to do the same.
You can just do it.
You don't need anybody's permission, you don't need to consult your dad about it, you don't need to consult your mom, you don't need to consult a friend. You can just change your freakin mind about something, and I'd recommend you do it.
That's it, have a great day, and if you need anything, let me know... bye-bye.
Hey guys, it's Matt again. Hope you love that episode and I hope it was helpful, hope it was insightful, hope it inspired you, hope it motivated you.
And if you want more content like that, go to Patreon type in Matt East, and... Or go to your show notes and... I'm working on my website.
You can do about anything and you can find a way to subscribe and get an audio clip just like that every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Can you imagine waking up to that every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and that's it.
I hope you guys like that, and if you need anything, email me.
Touch base.
Mostly a lot of you guys are clients, just reach out, whatever.
You guys just get a hold of me...If you need something, just get a hold of me, you know... You know where to find me.
That's it bye.