Achieve Your Goals | Matt East & co.

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Setting Weekly and Daily Targets

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Setting Weekly and Daily Targets Matt East

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The Goal Achievement Podcast, hosted by Matt East, is all about helping you find clarity, design a plan, and most importantly achieve your goals.

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How to Set Weekly and Daily Targets

Podcast Transcription

Hey guys, it's Matt, I hope you're all doing really well. 

On today's episode, we're going to talk about the importance of setting targets, or targets for your week, targets for your day, and... and just setting those targets so that you can achieve the things that you want, and I can't wait to get into it, so let's do it. 

The big question we all face every morning is this: How can we focus more time on the project's activities and relationships that are most important and meaningful to us and less time on the stuff that doesn't matter so we can actually move closer to our goals and dreams? 

That is the question, and this podcast is the answer. My name is Matt East and welcome to the Goal Achievement podcast. I'm so glad you're here, now let's dig in. 

All right, let's talk target. So for my mastermind group, most of you guys know I host to mastermind, so I hosted a mastermind. Right now, I think there's around 50 ish people in it, people from all over the world it's an amazing group of people. It's just an absolutely amazing, amazing, amazing thing, so it's a group coaching and, and mastermind within slack, so it's hosted in slack. 

But within this group, I post a lot of audio and video that's just for the mastermind group, and today I'm going to share... it's about a five-minute clip where I'm talking about targets and it's something that I just shared in the mastermind, and I thought people listening to the podcast might benefit from it, too. 

So if you are curious at all, by the way, about the mastermind, you can try it free for seven days. It's it's awesome, and there's only, it's only 29.99 a month after the seven days is up... Per month, so it's 29.99 a month, that's awesome. If you're curious about it, it's for those looking to that, just want to accomplish more each day, want to reclaim their time, want to be more intentional with how they're kind of moving through their day, a lot of members want to stop feeling overwhelmed so that they can focus more on what matters more to them. 

If you're just, in general, wanting to make more progress on some specific goals, it's the place for you, it's really, really, really cool. It's just a great group in general, just...just amazing, amazing people. If you want to stop procrastinating and procrastinating and take more action, that is the group for you, it's absolutely the best deal and coaching that I think exists, it's 29.99 a month, so it's less than a buck a day, and man we interact every day in there. If you're in that group, I am in, I'm in it everyday baby, so I love it. It's definitely worth spending a lot of my time and energy right now and I just, I just love the group. 

So I post my top three priorities in there every day too, so if you're ever if you're like, well, what does Matt do? That's the spot to see, anyway so check that out if you're interested, you can do that just at my website and then you click the seven-day free trial, my website is  so M a t t dash and then E a s t .com and then just go to the seven-day free trial and you should be all set, so that's it man. 

I'm going to share my clip now that I recorded in the Mastermind and hopefully it's helpful, hopefully, you guys find some value in it. So if you want more of these to be posted here, send me a note, let me know, or even better yet, jump in the mastermind man, there's nothing to it. That's it, if you guys need anything, please don't be shy, happy to help any way I can, and hope you guys are all doing great and achieving big things this year. So I would love to hear from you if I haven't in a while, so I would love to get an email from you or better yet, see a pop in the mastermind group. 

That's it guys bye. 

Hey, Masterminders, it's Matt, I hope you're all doing really well, I just wanted to record a quick audio heading into the week, just a little encouragement and maybe a little motivation as you are getting prepared for the week. 

I just want to challenge you to take some time to make sure you're crystal clear on your targets for, for the week. 

There's absolutely no doubt that high performers know where they're going and they have a plan to get there, and I just want to challenge you to try to have a good idea of what you want to achieve with your time this week. What are the... it's not going to be 60 things. 

What are the two or three projects, what are the two or three things that you are really going to move forward? And what does that look like? Be precise. What does it mean to move forward? How are you going to make that progress? How are you going to push your things forward? How are you going to dedicate some time and energy towards them this week? How are you going to make time to do that, if you have the time, what are the very clear activities and tasks that need to be completed to knock those things out, to make some progress, to move things forward? 

And that is going to help so much, I know that sounds so simple and it's definitely, it's definitely back to the basics. But if you're struggling to determine what you should focus on, go back to your annual goals and start to align some things that you could accomplish this week to move forward on those annual goals, that's absolutely your best bet. 

If you're... if you're struggling, if you're not sure where you're at, if you haven't done your annual goals, guys... get your annual goals done, because everything we're going to be doing in this program is hopefully making progress towards those, and we're going to, we want our top three to be aligned with those as often as possible. 

So if you're unclear on your goals, get clear on your goals. 

You'll notice this I see members right now. Laura is a good example, she made the decision a week or two ago, I don't know how long ago was maybe three weeks ago, I'm not sure how long ago was. But she made the decision, hey, I'm going to write a book so you can now see in her top three, she's literally like almost every day I'm seeing activity towards the book. It made setting those top three, I'm sure I mean, I haven't talked to her about it, but I'm sure that it made setting those top three so much easier because she made the decision, hey, I'm going to write a book now, I'm going to align my priorities up with that book. You know, I have a big focus right now on growing my business, and you will usually see that I am doing some I'm focusing some of my time and energy each day with my priorities being focused on my business, and I'm usually trying to do something around growth, business growth. 

So I just want to challenge you to, if you haven't done your annual goal setting and it doesn't have to be huge, just it's just whatever you want, think about what you want to accomplish and, and make that a goal and share those, share those in the 2021 goal group. And then that should make you're setting your priorities much, much simpler. 

If you have done your... your goals for the year, if you have written them down and shared them, then setting your priorities should never be that difficult because you can go back, you can reference your goals and you can start to figure out, hey what actually needs to go on today to move the needle forward and, and you should be in pretty good shape, so that's it. 

I know, super simple, super basic. But it's those, you know fundamentals, I talk about this all the time that fundamental principles drive high performance so much, and this is a perfect example. 

Look at your annual goals and start to think back or think through, what can I accomplish this week? What would move the needle forward a little closer on my part to get me to those annual goals? And, and then you can prioritize each day around making sure you hit that weekly target. 

So that's it, Crystal clear, I want you guys to be crystal clear on your priorities, crystal clear on your ...what you want to actually achieve, what you're focusing on, and, and that is going to help so much, we've... I mentioned this a couple of weeks ago and Martin really liked it. 

That meandering through your day is just exhausting, and that's what we want to avoid. We want to be crystal clear, we want to have certain certainty about where we're going and, and that'll help so much. 

So that's it guys, if you need anything, let me know. I want to help you achieve your goals. If I can help you achieve your goals, please let me know if there's something specific I can do. I want to help you, the group wants to help you reach out for help if you need help, we are here to help, I am here to help. 

Don't be shy, I can... I can definitely help you. I want to hear what you're working on, and I want to hear how... how I can support you. 

So that's it, guys. Make it a great week, let's do it a big, big week. This a big time of year right now, let's capitalize on it bye. 

Hey, guys, I hope you found that helpful, hope you gained a couple good ideas from that, and I hope you are identifying your targets each day and each week as you are working towards your goals. 

If you guys need anything, please don't be shy, please feel free to reach out to me. You can hunt me down on my website or easier just type in like Matt East productivity in Google and I'll pop right up. So if you need anything, please don't be shy, I'm happy to help in any way I can. 

So that's it guys bye.