Your Goals and Responding to Challenges and Obstacles

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The Goal Achievement Podcast, hosted by Matt East, is all about helping you find clarity, design a plan, and most importantly achieve your goals.

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Your Goals And Responding To Challenges

Podcast Transcription

Hey guys, it's Matt, hope you're all doing really well. 

On today's episode, we're going to talk about how to react when obstacles and challenges arise as you are pursuing your 2021 goals, so let's get right into it. 

The big question we all face every morning is this: How can we focus more time on the projects,  activities, and relationships that are most important and meaningful to us and less time on the stuff that doesn't matter so we can actually move closer to our goals and dreams? 

That is the question, and this podcast is the answer. My name is Matt East and welcome to the Goal Achievement podcast. I'm so glad you're here, now let's dig in. 

Hey guys, it's Matt, I hope you're all doing really, really well and hope your 2021 is off to a great start. 

So I hope you have already not only thought about your goals but got, gotten them out of your head and down on paper and so that you're able to track them and reference them throughout the year, and then even better than that, I would strongly encourage you to share your goals with somebody, share your goals with an accountability partner and somebody that can keep you on track and that's going to even help you more. 

So find a friend that can help you that can that you can keep each other accountable and that's going to help you even more than just writing your goals down, so you want to write your goals down and try to build in some accountability. If you don't know of somebody that can help you or if you want to work with a, with a coach or in a more formal setting, there are a ton of amazing coaches out there. Hire a coach to help you out and, and dig in with a coach. 

If you want to learn more about my coaching, you can go to my website and check that out. So if you're interested in that, just Google Matt and productivity or Matt East and productivity or just productivity coaching, and I should pop right up. 

So, yeah... So get your goals down on paper, work with somebody, an accountability partner, and that's going to help a ton. I always work with a coach, I always get my goals down on paper. Rachel and I, for the last decade, my wife Rachel and I have written our goals down and it's amazing to see how, how much that's affected us and helped us, and as we reflect back, we always do end of the year review and look back at what we've done. And it's crazy, it's crazy... crazy to see the progress, and... and I would strongly encourage you to not only set goals, but write them down, find a coach or work with a friend and, and get an accountability partner. 

So what I want to talk about today is: 

What happens after you've started working on your goals and challenges and obstacles pop up? 

I want to talk about how you're going to react to them, because, you know they're coming, there's no way your year is just going to be... no problems and no obstacles and no mistakes and you're going to face no pushback, you know. There's 100 percent chance that there's going to be challenges, there's going to be obstacles, and I just want to chat through challenging you on how you're going to react. 

So how are you going to react? 

You've got your goals, and once you have your goals, it's important to recognize that stuff is going to pop up along the way. Maybe you're going to make a mistake or some obstacle that you don't even see coming is going to, going to pop up and you're going to face some pushback that you're not a, you weren't expecting out of the gate, you know when you set goals. 

I know when I set my goals, I just think I'm going to, like crush them, and it's going to be like, I don't know, no worries at all. And then, you know, real-life sets in and you go to record a podcast like this, and my microphone wasn't working and stuff like that happened. 

So I just want to challenge you. 

How are you going to react when those challenges and obstacles pop up in your way? 

Are you going to quit and give up and, you know, just downplay how important that goal was from the start and not pursue it and move on and think you're not able to, to follow through? Or are you going to put up a fight and you're going to respond and you're going to overcome and, and I hope that's what you choose. 

So I just want to encourage you, out of the gate to recognize that there's going to be unforeseen challenges. 

And when that happens, it does not mean that you need to quit or you need to stop or it was a bad goal from the start or anything like that. It means that you need to slow down, make a plan, figure out how to respond, take a deep breath and fight on, push on. But don't give up, don't give up. 

So as you look at your goals, try to figure out what might be an obstacle, what could pop up along the way that could stop you or could prevent you from achieving that goal, and try to figure out a way to make sure that doesn't happen and figure out a way that you are going to combat it. If something does happen, how are you going to respond and think about how you're going to respond and how you're going to overcome those challenges and those obstacles? 

Think about that ahead of time, stuff's going to pop up, man... There's no doubt about it, if you have some good goals and you're working towards them every day, stuff is going to pop up. 

So I want you to think through how you're going to overcome those, those obstacles, or if you make a big mistake, how are you going to react to it, are you gonna beat yourself up and... and have a pity party and... and stop working on the goal for a while? Or are you going to dig in, overcome the mistake, own it and, and get going? 

So there's no doubt I man, you've got to if you want to achieve amazing things in 2021 you've got to stop talking about doing stuff and actually take action. There is such a gap in our society right now of people talking about doing stuff versus actually doing stuff, and I just want to encourage you to do stuff, take action, make stuff happen, take massive action and make stuff happen, and if you're making stuff happen and you're taken action at a, at a level like you should be, you're going to make mistakes, man, you're absolutely going to make mistakes. 

You're going to have to overcome obstacles, you're going to deal with pushback, you're going to deal with pushback from people that you didn't even expect to push back. You're going to have, you're going to experience pushback from like your manager who you thought was going to support you, and they're pushing back.... or your spouse sues, you know, saying, why are we doing this? 

So be ready, how are you going to respond? How are you going to figure out a way to collaborate and push through and overcome those challenges when they arise? I hope so, and I just want to encourage you to take action, wanna encourage you this year to allow your... I talk about this all the time, I want to encourage you to allow your motivation to follow your action and not the other way around. 

I don't want when I challenge you to not spend the year waiting to feel motivated in order to do this stuff that you want to do. If you want to do something, start on it and your motivation will follow and allow that, I trust that motivation to follow. That's the, that is such a big concept in such an important concept right now. 

So get started, and... and when you're, when your motivation is waning, I know everybody is excited right now, but when your motivation starts to starts to trickle off, don't... don't quit, keep taking action, and as you take action, your motivation will fall, I know I use this as a... as a reference all the time. 

But like, if you're, if you exercise a lot, you know, I think how many times you've had to start exercising before you felt like you wanted to exercise, you know, that you're like ten minutes into a workout usually before you're like, oh, this feels good and I'm glad I'm doing this, and trust that that same... that same, I don't know what you'd call that concept works across different areas of your life, like your work. So trust that if you start, and you get started... that your motivation and your, your want to continue will, will follow. 

So trust your motivation to follow after you take action this year. 

That could be a game-changer for you guys, that's it, really, I just wanted to get on here real quick. I just had a few minutes to, to get on here and wanted to share that. I figured everybody was talking about goal setting and all that good stuff, so I thought I would chat through what happens when the challenges arise in the coming months and the obstacles. 

So think through now how you're going to react to that, and I hope you choose to... to fight and to keep going and to not give up this year. So that's it guys, I hope you're all doing really well. Hit me up if you need anything, there's still... I'm still got spots open for the 29 dollars a month digital coaching. 

I mean, that is like the best deal in coaching ever, so if you're interested, take advantage of it. I should have spots, I should continue to have some spots open, but... but you never know. So jump in there and you know my website, it's and I would love to, I would love to see you over there. 

So that's it, you hope you guys are doing really well. And if you need anything, please don't be shy, bye.


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