Ending Your Week Strong

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The Goal Achievement Podcast, hosted by Matt East, is all about helping you find clarity, design a plan, and most importantly achieve your goals.

Learn more about Matt’s productivity coaching at www.Matt-East.com/pricing

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How to End Your Week Strongly

Podcast notes

Hope you're all doing really well.

We will talk about how to end your week strong during today's episode, so you can be proud of what you've accomplished this week and build some good momentum heading into next week. 

The big question we all face every morning is this: how can we focus more time on the projects, activities, and relationships that are most important and meaningful to us and less time on the stuff that doesn't matter? So we can actually move closer to our goals and dreams. That is the question! And this podcast is the answer.

My name is Matt and welcome to the goal achievement podcast. I'm so glad you're here. Let's dig in!

Hope you're all doing really well. We are going to talk about ending your week strong. So this will be the last episode this week. So I had mentioned I'd record five episodes in a row, Monday through Friday, and the time has come. It's Friday. So this is it. This is the last one. Hopefully, you've been doing your top three priorities with me.

If so, you've been heading into each day with clarity and with focus, and intentionality. So that you could execute at your highest level possible each day. Hopefully, you've had a great week, and let's talk about ending it strong. We want to focus now. We want to get clarity through our top three.

Sometimes, we still drag our feet on actually doing what we set out to do. If that's been something you've struggled with this week, I just want to encourage you to get that clarity through your top three priorities each day, and then, if there's something you're still dragging your feet on, remember your motivation to do something is going to follow starting and taking action. It's not the other way around. You're not going to feel motivated and then get started.

If you're waiting to feel motivated, you'll probably never get started.

You need to take action and trust your motivation follows. I always use the example of exercising or going on a long run. I would literally never go on a run if I waited around to feel like I wanted to go on a run, but once I step outside and I start running, and I'm 10 or 15 minutes into my run, I almost always feel great, and it's like the best part of my day. And I think to myself, "How would I have not run today?"

So that is what we're after.

We want to create your motivation and your desire to continue an activity by actually starting that activity.

I experienced the same thing with writing. I even experienced the same thing with recording this podcast. I might drag my feet to do it. And then, once I get started, I enjoy it. I enjoy the process, I enjoy recording it, I enjoy publishing it. It's always much more enjoyable than I think it's going to be before I actually begin.

So if there's something you've been dragging your feet on this week and you haven't taken action, and you wanted to, and maybe you're a little frustrated about it, I just encourage you to sit down. If you're writing a book, just start writing, get a couple of words down, and, before you know, you fall into a state of flow where you're really enjoying the writing process. If you want to start a business or something like that, sit down with a blank piece of paper and start sketching out what that looks like, and before you know it, you'll be enjoying that process of imagining what your business could be, and you can start to take action on some of those items. 

So that's my encouragement for Friday.

Let's end the week strong, let's get clarity, and let's just treat the day with a lot of intentionality and focus.

Be the aggressor when it comes to taking action today. You dictate your day-to-day activities, and you begin on the activities you know need to be done and trust that your motivation will follow.

If you have the guts to begin, your motivation will often follow after you've started. So trust yourself and, let's end the week strong, and let's just make it a great day. 

I still owe you my top 3 priorities which are: 

  1. I need to send some quotes to a journalist that has asked for some quotes on productivity and high performance. She reached out to see if I could offer some quotes for her article, and in exchange, she will link back to my website, which is excellent! Those links create a lot of good stuff for Google, and it helps you to rank higher. So if you have a website, getting those backlinks is a big deal.

  2. I need to respond to all of my clients digitally who have reached out. I owe them a response. So I will touch base with them and encourage them to end the week strong.

  3. Finally, this afternoon I'm going to do some yard work. Leaves are falling, and we need to clean up our yard a little bit. So I'm gonna do some yard work, I enjoy stuff like that, and that's it.

So that's my top 3 for today. I've got lots of other stuff I'm gonna focus on and make sure I do, but those are things I really, really want to make sure I get done. 

That's it, guys! I hope you've enjoyed the 5 straight podcasts, and I really appreciate that many people have reached out, asked questions, and touched base. I really appreciate that. I appreciate you guys! 

I really appreciate you listening to this podcast. And if there's anything that you need, please don't hesitate to reach out. My email is just matt@matt-east.com. So hit me up if you guys need anything. Hope you had a great week, and this 5-day series helped you. 

End your week strong, get clarity, take action and trust that your motivation will follow if you have the guts to begin. That's it, have a great weekend! Bye-bye! 



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