When you determine exactly what you want and your actions map to your vision and goals, you can create and do anything you want with your life.


Productivity Coaching Methodology

Daily Digital Communication

I work with all of my Productivity Clients through a digital coaching app. Digital coaching is powerful and effective because it allows us to communicate nearly every day. By communicating daily we can reform and create new habits. My coaching begins by focusing on the habit of creating clarity for your daily priorities.

To find a daily communication cadence, I begin all coaching engagements by having my clients proactively send me their top-3 priorities each morning. 

What are priorities?

As I'm sure you know, Priorities are simply areas of your life that are important and meaningful to you. Priorities are typically projects you're focusing on at work or home, activities you want to do, or relationships you want to nurture.

I suggest my clients use these 11 guiding questions to help determine their priorities (these questions are intended to help generate ideas, I only ask for my clients to send me their top-3 priorities each morning).

1. If I could only achieve one thing today, what would it be?

2. What's the second most important thing I need to accomplish?

3. What's the third most important?

4. What else needs to be done?

5. What could I complete today that would make me happy when reflecting on my day?

6. What can I do that will move me closer to achieving my goals?

7. Are there projects or tasks that others own but I should follow up on?

8. What key relationships in my life need my energy today?

9. What can I do to remove stress from my life?

10. What tasks can I delegate to someone else today?

11. Is there a task I'm avoiding that I should complete today?

After the habit of prioritizing each day is built, there is much more we can focus on with your coaching experience

I believe when you determine exactly what you want, why you want it, and your actions map to that belief, you can create anything you want in your life.

The coaching process is not always easy, but it works. My coaching relies on creating processes and habits to help you achieve your goals.

You can learn more about my coaching methodology in my book, The Purposeful Planning Method: How to Plan Your Day, Beat Procrastination, and Regain Control of Your Time

Learn more: What is productivity coaching?